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zeroth law of thermodynamics (Definition)
Definition 1.1   If two systems, A and B, are separately in equilibrium with a third system C, then they are also in equilibrium with one another.
Remark 1.1   The zeroth law of thermodynamics describes the transitive nature of thermal equilibrium.
Remark 1.2   Despite its apparent simplicity, the zeroth law has the consequence of implying the existence of an important state function, the empirical temperature $\Theta$, such that systems in equilibrium are at the same temperature.


This is a derivative work from [1] a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 work

[1] MIT OpenCourseWare, 8.333 Statistical Mechanics I: statistical mechanics of Particles, Fall 2007

"zeroth law of thermodynamics" is owned by bloftin.

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See Also: principles of thermodynamics, Thermodynamics

Other names:  zeroth principle of thermodynamics

Cross-references: statistical mechanics, work, temperature, state function, thermal equilibrium, equilibrium, systems
There is 1 reference to this object.

This is version 1 of zeroth law of thermodynamics, born on 2009-02-10.
Object id is 508, canonical name is ZerothLawOfThermodynamics.
Accessed 591 times total.

Physics Classification05.70.Ce (Thermodynamic functions and equations of state )

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