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noncommutative geometry topic (Topic)

Non-commutative Geometry and Non-Abelian Algebraic Topology

Noncommutative `geometry' utilizes non-Abelian (or nonabelian) methods for quantization of spaces through `deformation' to non-commutative 'spaces' (in fact non-commutative algebraic structures, or algebras of functions). therefore, it can be considered a subfield of non-Abelian algebraic topology (NAAT).

An alternative meaning is often given to Noncommutative Geometry (viz . A Connes et al.): that is, as a non-commutative `geometric' approach– in the relativistic sense– to quantum gravity. This approach is therefore relevant to Non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology (NA-QAT, or NAQAT).

A specific example due to A. Connes is the convolution $C^*$-algebra of (discrete) groups; other examples are non-commutative $C^*$-algebras of operators defined on Hilbert spaces of quantum operators and states. (Please see also the other PM entries on $C^*$-algebra and noncommutative topology.)

Recent Developments in NCG

  • The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the 2001 Crafoord Prize in mathematics to Professor Alain Connes of the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES) and the Collége de France, Paris, “for his penetrating work on the theory of... (quantum)... operator algebras and for having been a founder of noncommutative geometry”. (Crafoord Prize in 2001 in Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Operator Algebras).

    Professor Alain Connes is also the 1983 recipient of the fields Medal. The following is a concise quote of his work from the Crafoord Prize announcement in 2001: “Noncommutative geometry is a new field of mathematics, and Connes played a decisive role in its creation. His work has also provided powerful new methods for treating renormalization theory and the standard model of quantum and particle physics...(SUSY)... He has demonstrated that these new mathematical tools can be used for understanding and attacking the Riemann Hypothesis.

  • The Crafoord Prize prize consisted of a gold medal and US dollars 500,000. The Anna-Greta and Holger Crafoord Foundation was established in 1980 for promoting basic research in mathematics, astronomy, the biosciences (particularly ecology), the geosciences, and polyarthritis (joint rheumatism)”. Previous (`Nobel style'), Crafoord Laureates in Mathematics were: Vladimir I. Arnold and Louis Nirenberg in 1982, Alexandre Grothendieck (who publicly declined the prize) and Pierre Deligne–who accepted the prize in 1988, and Simon Donaldson and Shing-Tung Yau (1994).

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See Also: QAT, AQFT, Quantum operator algebras in QFT, quantum space-times, Ronald Brown

Other names:  non-commutative geometry, noncommutative topology, nonabelian algebraic topology, NAAT, quantum geometry, NAQAT, NA-QAT
Keywords:  noncommutative geometry, quantum gravity, Fields medal, Crafoord Prize, non-abelian algebraic topology, NAAT, quantum geometry, anabelian geometry (A. Grothendieck's), NAQT, NA-QAT

Cross-references: work, fields, IHES, quantum operators, Hilbert spaces, operators, groups, convolution, quantum gravity, functions, algebraic structures, non-commutative, deformation, quantization, nonabelian, non-Abelian, noncommutative geometry
There are 20 references to this object.

This is version 11 of noncommutative geometry topic, born on 2009-01-28, modified 2009-03-02.
Object id is 443, canonical name is NoncommutativeGeometry2.
Accessed 2506 times total.

Physics Classification00. (GENERAL)
 02. (Mathematical methods in physics)
 03. (Quantum mechanics, field theories, and special relativity )

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