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2-category (Definition)

Definition 0.1

A small 2-category, $\mathcal{C}_2$, is the first of higher order categories constructed as follows.
  1. define Cat as the category of small categories and functors
  2. define a class of objects $A, B,...$ in $\mathcal{C}_2$ called `0- cells'
  3. for all `0-cells' $A$, $B$, consider a set denoted as “ $\mathcal{C}_2 (A,B)$” that is defined as $\hom_{\mathcal{C}_2}(A,B)$, with the elements of the latter set being the functors between the 0-cells $A$ and $B$; the latter is then organized as a small category whose $2$-`morphisms', or `$1$-cells' are defined by the natural transformations $\eta: F \to G$ for any two morphisms of $\mathcal{C}at$, (with $F$ and $G$ being functors between the `0-cells' $A$ and $B$, that is, $F,G: A \to B$); as the `$2$-cells' can be considered as `2-morphisms' between 1-morphisms, they are also written as: $\eta : F \Rightarrow G$, and are depicted as labelled faces in the plane determined by their domains and codomains
  4. the $2$-categorical composition of $2$-morphisms is denoted as “$\bullet$” and is called the vertical composition
  5. a horizontal composition, “$\circ$”, is also defined for all triples of 0-cells, $A$, $B$ and $C$ in $\mathcal{C}at$ as the functor

    $\displaystyle \circ: \mathcal{C}_2(B,C) \times \mathcal{C}_2(A,B) = \mathcal{C}_2(A,C),$
    which is associative
  6. the identities under horizontal composition are the identities of the $2$-cells of $1_X$ for any $X$ in $\mathcal{C}at$
  7. for any object $A$ in $\mathcal{C}at$ there is a functor from the one-object/one-arrow category $\textbf{1}$ (terminal object) to $\mathcal{C}_2(A,A)$.

Examples of 2-categories

  1. The $2$-category $\mathcal{C}at$ of small categories, functors, and natural transformations;
  2. The $2$-category $\mathcal{C}at(\mathcal{E})$ of internal categories in any category $\mathcal{E}$ with finite limits, together with the internal functors and the internal natural transformations between such internal functors;
  3. When $\mathcal{E} = \mathcal{S}et$, this yields again the category $\mathcal{C}at$, but if $\mathcal{E} = \mathcal{C}at$, then one obtains the 2-category of small double categories;
  4. When $\mathcal{E} = \textbf{Group}$, one obtains the $2$-category of crossed modules.


  • In a manner similar to the (alternative) definition of small categories, one can describe $2$-categories in terms of $2$-arrows. Thus, let us consider a set with two defined operations $\otimes$, $\circ$, and also with units such that each operation endows the set with the structure of a (strict) category. Moreover, one needs to assume that all $\otimes$-units are also $\circ$-units, and that an associativity relation holds for the two products:

    $\displaystyle (S \otimes T ) \circ (S \otimes T) = (S \circ S) \otimes (T \circ T)$
  • A $2$-category is an example of a supercategory with just two composition laws, and it is therefore an $\S_1$-supercategory, because the $\S_0$ supercategory is defined as a standard `$1$'-category subject only to the ETAC axioms.

"2-category" is owned by bci1.

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See Also: 2-C*-category, n-groupoid, n-groupoids, categorical physics, 2-category of double groupoids

Keywords:  2-category definition

Cross-references: ETAC axioms, composition laws, supercategory, relation, operations, crossed modules, double categories, identities, horizontal composition, vertical composition, composition, codomains, domains, morphisms, natural transformations, objects, functors, small categories, categories
There are 22 references to this object.

This is version 11 of 2-category, born on 2009-01-10, modified 2009-01-31.
Object id is 365, canonical name is 2Category.
Accessed 745 times total.

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