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mathematical physics (Topic)

This is a contributed topic on major areas in theoretical and mathematical physics.

Mathematical and theoretical physics

Major, suggested areas are:

  1. Netwon's theory of Gravitation
  2. photoelectric effect and Einstein's explanation/ formulae
  3. Einstein's special relativity theory
  4. Einstein's General Relativity theory
  5. quantum mechanics;
  6. quantum field theories (QFT), TQFT and HQFT
  7. algebraic and Axiomatic Quantum Field Theories (AQFT)
  8. quantum electrodynamics (QED)
  9. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)
  10. quantum gravity (QG)
  11. quantum automata and Quantum Computing
  12. non-Abelian gauge theories
  13. Non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology
  14. Standard Model (SUSY)
  15. non-commutative geometry in QG and SUSY
  16. supersymmetry and supergravity theories
  17. Harmonic oscillator and coupled oscillator theories;
  18. fluid dynamics and Rheology;
  19. Kinetic theory of gases and Classical statistical mechanics
  20. quantum statistical mechanics (QS)
  21. Theories in High energy physics and Elementary Particles
  22. Ergodic systems Information theory and Irreversible Thermodynamics
  23. Complex system dynamics (CSD)
  24. Functional Analysis
  25. Chaotic Systems and Chaos
  26. non-Newtonian calculi
  27. Mathematical and theoretical biophysics
  28. Solid-State Theories: Semiconductors, Hall effect,Josephson effect, etc.
  29. Theories of superconductivity and superconductors
  30. Symmetry and quantum group theories
  31. Paracrystals and paracrystal theory
  32. Theories of Noncrystalline materials and glasses
  33. Theories of Phase Transitions and Symmetry Breaking
  34. Ax
  35. Ay
  36. Az

References/ Bibliography


Weinberg, Stephen.: 1995, The Quantum Theory of Fields, vols. 1 to 3, Cambridge Univ. Press.

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Other names:  theoretical physics, physical mathematics
Keywords:  QFT, QED, QCD, QG, AQFT, TQFT, HQFT, general and special relativity, Einstein, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking

Cross-references: glasses, quantum group, superconductivity, Josephson effect, theoretical biophysics, non-Newtonian calculi, CSD, system dynamics, Thermodynamics, systems, High energy physics, quantum statistical mechanics, statistical mechanics, fluid dynamics, coupled oscillator, supergravity, supersymmetry, non-commutative geometry, SUSY, Non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology, non-Abelian, quantum automata, QG, quantum gravity, QCD, QED, quantum electrodynamics, AQFT, Axiomatic Quantum Field Theories, algebraic, HQFT, TQFT, QFT, quantum field theories, quantum mechanics, special relativity, Einstein's, photoelectric effect
There are 64 references to this object.

This is version 11 of mathematical physics, born on 2008-12-17, modified 2011-02-09.
Object id is 337, canonical name is MathematicalPhysics.
Accessed 1550 times total.

Physics Classification03. (Quantum mechanics, field theories, and special relativity )
 00. (GENERAL)
 02. (Mathematical methods in physics)
 04.20.-q (Classical general relativity )
 03.30.+p (Special relativity)

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