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Clifford algebra
Definition 0.1 Let us briefly define the notion of a Clifford algebra. Thus, let us consider first a pair  , where  denotes a real vector space and  is a quadratic form on  . Then, the Clifford algebra associated to  , is denoted here as
 , is the algebra over
generated by  , where for all
 , the relations:
 are satisfied; in particular,
If is an algebra and
is a linear map satisfying
then there exists a unique algebra homomorphism
such that the diagram
commutes. (It is in this sense that
is considered to be `universal').
"Clifford algebra" is owned by bci1.
Keywords: |
Clifford algebra |
Cross-references: commutes, diagram, homomorphism, relations, vector space
There are 3 references to this object.
This is version 5 of Clifford algebra, born on 2008-10-19, modified 2009-02-25.
Object id is 316, canonical name is CliffordAlgebra.
Accessed 536 times total.
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