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Physics Library Encyclopedia
(browse by subject)
- 1 entry
1 - 5 entries
2 - 14 entries
3 - 4 entries
4 - 5 entries
A - 177 entries
B - 105 entries
C - 340 entries
D - 124 entries
E - 138 entries
F - 133 entries
G - 156 entries
H - 153 entries
I - 80 entries
J - 24 entries
K - 23 entries
L - 112 entries
M - 196 entries
N - 172 entries
O - 47 entries
object (in category theory) owned by bci1
observable (in operator algebra and complex representation theorems) owned by bci1
Observables and States owned by rspuzio
ocr 2 proofreading test owned by rspuzio
octacube (in representations of 4-D spaces) owned by bci1
Off axis example of Biot Savart Law owned by bloftin
Ohm's law (in conduction) owned by bloftin
OKT (in Baum-Connes conjecture) owned by bci1
\Omega (in Haag theorem) owned by bci1
omega-groupoid (in overview of algebraic topology) owned by bci1
omega-groupoids (in generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional) owned by bci1
Omega -spectrum owned by bci1
$\Omega$-spectrum owned by bci1
On the Idea of Time in Physics owned by bloftin
On the Relativity of the Conception of Distance owned by bloftin
open double cone (in algebraic quantum field theories (AQFT)) owned by bci1
open double cone in Minkowski (4D) spacetime (in algebraic quantum field theories (AQFT)) owned by bci1
open system (in principles of thermodynamics) owned by bci1
operations (in category) owned by bci1
operator (in operator algebra and complex representation theorems) owned by bci1
operator algebra and complex representation theorems owned by bci1
operator algebras (=quantum operator algebras) owned by bci1
operator induced by a measure preserving map (in representations of groupoids induced by measure) owned by bci1
operator induced by a measure preserving map (in groupoid representations induced by measure) owned by bci1
operators (=Observables and States) owned by rspuzio
optical lattices (in bibliography for theoretical physics) owned by bci1
order of differential equation (in differential equations) owned by bloftin
Ordinary Differential Equation owned by bloftin
ordinary differential equations (in differential equations) owned by bloftin
Ordinary differential equations definitions owned by bloftin
organismic set (in organismic set theory) owned by bci1
organismic sets (in abstract relational biology (ARB)) owned by bci1
organismic set theory (=theory of organismic sets and mathematical relations) owned by bci1
organismic set theory owned by bci1
organismic set theory and relational biology owned by bci1
organismic structures (in natural transformations of organismic structures) owned by bci1
Organismic supercategories and super-complex system biodynamics owned by bci1
organismic supercategory (in supercategory theories) owned by bci1
organismic supercategory (=supercategory theories) owned by bci1
organizational order (in general dynamic systems) owned by bci1
orientable Haken manifolds (in geometrization conjecture and theorem) owned by bci1
orthomodular lattice theory (in Jordan-Banach and Jordan-Lie algebras) owned by bci1
OS (in axiomatic theories of metacategories and supercategories) owned by bci1
OSR (=organismic set theory and relational biology) owned by bci1
output function (in automaton) owned by bci1
overview of algebraic topology owned by bci1
overview of the content of PlanetPhysics owned by bci1
P - 129 entries
Q - 229 entries
R - 113 entries
S - 275 entries
T - 176 entries
U - 41 entries
V - 65 entries
W - 42 entries
X - 9 entries
Y - 9 entries
Z - 10 entries
850 entries total.
2753 concepts total.

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