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UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Lets get viewing papers/books/expositions working first before allowing adding new objects: Exposition guidelines:

  • This section is for expositions which are not books. They will generally be for educational purposes, but it is most important that they are not considered papers or books for them to appear here. Lecture notes for a course are a good example of what should go here.
  • "Rights" are required for every item! If you dont know what the rights are, please check before doing anything (including asking the author of the work if need be). If you are the author, please formulate a rights statement ("Public domain" is a nice one).
  • You must either upload the exposition or provide URLs linking to it. Uploads are preferable to linking, but require rights to redistribute. Try to get permission to upload if possible.
  • Starred (*) fields are required.

Testing some escape charachters for html category with a generator has an injective cogenerator" now escape ” with "