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``Re: Isn't this a duplicate of Wikipedia?''
by bloftin on 2006-01-20 11:29:14 |
| This is a very valid point and many times I thought of giving up during the setup of PlanetPhysics (PP) and just contribute to wikipedia. However, there are significant advantages over wiki. If you would compare PP's (or PlanetMath's (PM)) encyclopedia to wiki's, then wiki would be the way to go since they already have the money and momentum.
The two biggest advantages are automatic linking and access control that help foster an online physics community. As wiki gets bigger it becomes quite a chore to keep an artile's links up to date. Whether you are maintaining an article or creating a new one. As soon as an article is updated or created on PP/PM every other article is automatically updated.
Access control is to help people create collaboration groups along with having their own research online.
In short, PP wants to focus on the needs of the physics community to give better support to users and researchers.
There has been a lot of discussion on this from the planetmath (www.planetmath.org) people and some more info see at following links
http://planetx.cc.vt.edu/AsteroidMeta//Content_Exchange_With_Wikipedia http://www.dlib.org/dlib/october03/krowne/10krowne.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_Mathematics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Mathematics/PlanetMath_Exchange |
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