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``Re: user name disappearing and MSC'' by bloftin on 2005-04-07 11:07:09
> Ok, here is the first message to the PP errors forum ;)
> I have noticed the following strange thing. While I am
> logged in it is ussual that my user name is displayed at the
> left-top. What I have observed is that from time to time
> while browsing through the site that name disappears! And I
> haven't noticed what is the reason for this, and it happens
> almost randomly: say while I acces some forum the name
> disappear, but after some time while accessing it again the
> name is on the place. Is such behavior known?

Good observation!  As far as I know it is not known.  I'll try to compare it to PM and see if we can track it down.
> It seems that list display of top users "of all time", "last
> 2 weeks" and latest additions/revisions works correct now!

This is a short term hack.  I think there are possibly some differences between version of mod perl/apache that is used for PM and PP.  Essentially, I set the reset time for the stats data to 1 sec so it is being calculated instead of being pulled from cache.  This could be a big problem when the # of users increases so it is on the top of the list for long term fixes.
> And the last thing, which is more question than error. While
> accessing Classification one sees the title "Browsing MSC",
> but I think that MSC stays for "Mathematics Subject
> Classification", so phisics classifications probably has
> another abreaviation, may be PSC?

I've pulled the classification from PACS (Physics and Astronomy Classification System) but have not changed the MSC 'heading' yet.  

> Also, some classifications
> are displayed in BIG LETTERS. What is the reason for this:
> are they the most important?

The BIG Letters are a result of pulling the data from the PACS website.  I probably could change the perl script to lowercase the letters.  A link to the website is  As far as I can tell the BIG LETTERS are the TOP most categories.

Keep up the good work.  Right now we are in testing and don't have many people since we don't wont to turn off people to PP, of course the more people we have testing the more stable we can make it...  Thanks a lot.

> Regards
> Serg.

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