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User Corrections Received

displaying all 9 items.

1. 2009-01-08 Unclassified entries cause problems with the search engine! by bci1 received for weak interaction
2. 2009-01-08 Unclassified entries cause problems with the search engine. by bci1 received for fermion
3. 2008-03-25 Capitalization by invisiblerhino received for lepton
4. 2007-06-29 capitalization, italicization, classification, grammar, spelling by Wkbj79 received for fermion
5. 2007-06-29 capitalization, italicization, classification, formality, grammar, spacing, spelling by Wkbj79 received for weak interaction
6. 2007-06-29 consistency by Wkbj79 received for velocity
7. 2007-06-29 capitalization, punctuation, use of articles, run on sentence, subscripts, spelling, superscripts by Wkbj79 received for ballistics (2D)
8. 2006-07-06 a missed word by aerringt received for lepton
9. 2006-05-19 spelling by bloftin received for weak interaction

displaying all 9 items.

Testing some escape charachters for html category with a generator has an injective cogenerator" now escape ” with "