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``Additional information''
by smithpith on 2010-10-08 15:55:25 |
| "The First Systems of Weighted Differential and Integral Calculus" was reviewed in the journal Praxis der Mathematik. [79]
[79] Praxis der Mathematik, Aulis Verlag Deubner, Volume 23, page 94, 1981. ______________________________________________________________________
"Meta-Calculus: Differential and Integral" was reviewed in the journal Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics. [80]
[80] Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics (India), Volume 31, page 176, 1983. ______________________________________________________________________
Each of the following two books was reviewed in the journal Economic Books: Current Selections. [81] 1) "The First Systems of Weighted Differential and Integral Calculus": Volume 9, page 29, 1982. 2) "Meta-Calculus: Differential and Integral": Volume 9, page 29, 1982.
[81] Economic Books: Current Selections, University of Pittsburgh. Dept. of Economics, Volume 9, page 29, 1982. ______________________________________________________________________ (Posted on 8 October 2010 by smithpith.) |
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