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``Re: There is still very slow uploading of the HTML mode, but the Page Image mode still works normally'' by bci1 on 2009-10-31 15:39:01
There is still very slow uploading of the HTML mode, but the Page Image mode still works normally.
Problem seems related to one of the PlanetPhysics servers.
There is good hope problem would be completely solved by December 2009
when PlanetPhysics would have a supercomputer server, also hopefully running the Noosphere.

Graphics suggestion update :
A link to be provided on the front page of PlanetPhysics to a wiki generic front page that allows all users to generate content, including graphics in most formats and uploads up to 10 Mb of documents to the wiki Front_Page of their own choice.

Almost no programming knowledge needed for use of the wiki-- easy to follow, just a few simple to follow instructions,... and lots of fun.
Fast loading of files, no HTML reloading or rendering problems. Worth trying any time. Good for theses and books write ups, testing and loads of FREE graphics.
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Testing some escape charachters for html category with a generator has an injective cogenerator" now escape ” with "