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``Gravigenic cooling !''
by Brenton on 2009-10-05 01:44:13 |
| Thanks bci1 for black holes.
This is an absurd idea of mine that needs critiquing. Recently , Potassium and Rubidium atoms were cooled to ultracold temperatures through a refrigerator like entropy removing process. My idea is to cool the space-time around them as well. What you do is set up the system and then next to it , place a rotating body ? or something that will make space-time less dense. That way , energy will flow away from the atoms/laser and towards the rotating body. Only problem , it's a cycle. Energy has to flow back to the atoms/laser. So I propose placing a partial barrier around the atoms/laser so when energy/space-time flows back to the atoms/laser , it will be slowed and thus entropy will drop ! Is this crap or cool ?
Gravigenic cooling !?!?
Brenton |
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