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``Black Holes ?'' by Brenton on 2009-09-27 22:19:57
Thx bloftin and bci1 for those comments on E=mc^2 and space debris. Sorry it took so long to respond.

I read somewhere that on small enough scales , points NO LONGER EXIST and matter as we know it ceases to exist in a black hole.

I applied this to my version of a black hole model and considering the merger of say , 2 black holes or matter falling into a black hole , I assume asymmetry and extremely chaotic conditions , thus I  postulate the existence of multiple singularities which in a rotating black hole , could "orbit" around some center of mass. These singularities would be "probability" clouds where the mass aggregated there would behave like fullerene ( 1000k>quantum , 1000k<classical ) where it ( mass ) would display quantum mechanical properties like superposition etc. depending on surrounding temperature ? The problem I have is that gravity slows time and black holes are the ultimate in gravity but we supposedly live in an atemporal universe and scientists talk about ring singularities from rotating black holes so maybe I'm alright ? What do you think ?

I love PlanetPhysics !

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