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``Re: E = m c ^2 ?'' by bci1 on 2009-08-13 15:12:58
Not so fast fellows!
Ben is right, he has the right equations. However, things are not quite so simple. Thus, for a photon for which the rest mass is zero,
the energy is finite as we well know; photons do not have, or carry, infinite energy although they have the speed c. For particles with rest mass different from zero one needs consider according to SUSY + Higgs field bosons theory the interaction of such particles to the Higgs bosons. In the limit of velocity v of a massive particle tending to c, but not being equal to c, one needs to use a more complicated expression with the GR theory needing to be modified by the addition of the Higgs boson field. As the latter field for a finite volume universe has energy that is very large but **only finite**, the velocity that an accelerated particle of any shape or form, including strings/super or otherwise, etc, cannot actually reach the value c, and thus the energy of any particle, including that of any photon cannot be infinite. An infinite energy would be possible, perhaps, and only in principle, in an imaginary universe of infinite volume, thus in SF, and not in quantum relativistic physics.
Best wishes to all concerned,
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