The following is an incomplete list of new additions of Physics books with Synopses at 1. Lecture Notes on General Relativity added by bci1 Authors: Sean M. Carroll, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 Uploaded on: [2009-03-07] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 2. Introduction to Differential Geometry and General Relativity added by bci1 Authors: Stefan Waner, Department of Mathematics, Hofstra University Uploaded on: [2009-03-06] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 3. Introduction to relativistic quantum chemistry added by bci1 Authors: Professor Pekka Pikko, Univerwsity of Helsinki Uploaded on: [2009-03-06] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03.] 4. THEORY OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY: A Primer added by bci1 Authors: Helmut Eschrig Uploaded on: [2009-03-06] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 5. From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB07) added by bci1 Authors: Ulrich H. E. Hansmann, Jan Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty, Olav Zimmermann (Editors), John von Neumann Institut f\"ur Computing Uploaded on: [2009-03-05] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03.] 6. Relativistic Quantum Field Theory added by bci1 Authors: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang L\"ucke,Institut f\"ur Physik und Physikalische Technologien der Technischen Universit\"at Clausthal Uploaded on: [2009-03-05] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 7. Quantum Chromodynamics added by bci1 Authors: Varia Uploaded on: [2009-03-05] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 8. Advanced Quantum Field Theory added by bci1 Authors: Roberto Casalbuoni, Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Firenze Uploaded on: [2009-03-05] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 9. Quantum Fields Theory - book draft added by bci1 Authors: Mark Srednicki,University of California, Santa Barbara, Uploaded on: [2009-03-05] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03.] 10. Basic Concepts of Enriched Category Theory added by bci1 Authors: G.M. Kelly, F.A.A., Professor of Pure Mathematics, UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY Uploaded on: [2009-03-05] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02.] 11. Computational Physics added by bci1 Authors: Nicholas J. Giordano and Benjamin Cummings , Physics Dept., Purdue University Uploaded on: [2009-03-04] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 12. Computational Physics: An Introductory course added by bci1 Authors: Richard Fitzpatrick, Associate Professor of Physics, The University of Texas at Austin Uploaded on: [2009-03-04] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 13. Toposes, Triples and Theories added by bci1 Authors: Michael Barr, Peter Redpath Professor Emeritus of Pure Mathematics, McGill University, and Charles Wells, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Case Western Reserve University Uploaded on: [2009-03-01] , Classification: [msc:02.] 14. Operator Algebras and Quantum StatisticaI Mechanics -vol. 1 added by bci1 Authors: Authors: 0la Bratteli and Derek W. Robinson Uploaded on: [2009-02-28] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 15. Operator Algebras and Quantum StatisticaI Mechanics -vol. 2 added by bci1 Authors: Professor 0la Bratteli, Universitetet i Oslo,Matematisk Institutt,Moltke Moes vei 31, 0316 Oslo, Norway, and Professor Derek W. Robinson, Australian National University, School of Mathematical Sciences, ACT 0200 Canberra, Australia Uploaded on: [2009-02-28] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 16. Introduction to Groups, Invariants and Particles added by bci1 Authors: Frank W. K. Firk, Professor Emeritus of Physics, Yale University Uploaded on: [2009-02-28] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 17. Mathematical Crystallography added by bci1 Authors: HKDH Bhadeshia, Professor of Physical Metallurgy, Fellow of Darwin College, University of Cambridge, UK Uploaded on: [2009-02-28] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 18. Mathematical ideas and notions of quantum field theory added by bci1 Authors: Pavel Etingof, Department of Mathematics, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA 02139 Uploaded on: [2009-02-27] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd]
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1. QCD and collider physics II: Monte Carlo methods in QCD added by bci1 Authors: Jochen Bartels and Hannes Jung, University of Hamburg, DESY - Sem 2, Uploaded on: [2009-03-05] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 2. QCD and Collider Physics: I . Lecture WS 2005/2006 added by bci1 Authors: Hannes Jung, University of Hamburg, DESY -- Sem. 2 Uploaded on: [2009-03-05] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 3. Computational Physics added by bci1 Authors: Peter Hertel, Fachbereich Physik, Universit\"at Osnabr\"uck Uploaded on: [2009-03-05] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 4. Computational Physics: II . Complexity, Chaos and Quantum Mechanics Computations added by bci1 Authors: Dr. Richard J. Gonsalves Uploaded on: [2009-03-04] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 5. Computational Physics added by bci1 Authors: Angus MacKinnon Uploaded on: [2009-03-04] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02.] 6. Higher Dimensional Homotopy Brown- van Kampen Theorems added by bci1 Authors: I.C. Baianu Uploaded on: [2009-03-02] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02.] 7. Adjointness in foundations, with author's commentary added by bci1 Authors: William F. Lawvere Uploaded on: [2009-02-28] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 8. Conformal Field Theory and Algebraic Structure of Gauge Theory added by bci1 Authors: Anton M. Zeitlin, Department of Mathematics,Yale University Uploaded on: [2009-02-27] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 9. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance added by bci1 Authors: I.C. Baianu et al. Uploaded on: [2009-02-23] , Classification: [msc:83.85.Fg, msc:82.56.Pp, msc:82.56.Ub, msc:02.30.Nw, msc:20., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 10. Representation of Canonical Commutation Relations in a Non-Abelian Gauge Theory: Aharonov-Bohm Effect and Dirac-Weyl Operator added by bci1 Authors: Asao ARAI Uploaded on: [2009-02-21] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 11. The Concept of an unified local field theory and nonlocality of matter added by bci1 Authors: A.A. Chernitskii, St.-Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Prof. Popov str. 5, Russia, 197376; Uploaded on: [2009-02-19] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 12. Some Advantages of a Local Realist, 3D Wave Soliton Approach to EPR added by bci1 Authors: A. Laidlaw, Uploaded on: [2009-02-19] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 13. Pseudodifferential operators (POs) on differential groupoids added by bci1 Authors: Victor Nistor, Alan Weinstein and Ping Xu Uploaded on: [2009-02-17] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02.] 14. Proceedings of the XVIIth International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (June 19--22, 2008, Prague, Czech Republic) added by bci1 Authors: Cestmir Burdak and Ziemowit Popowicz, Eds Uploaded on: [2009-02-17] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 15. Prigogine's Thermodynamic Emergence and Continuous Topological Evolution added by bci1 Authors: R. M. Kiehn, Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Houston Uploaded on: [2009-02-17] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02.] 16. What is the Quantum Theory of Fields? added by bci1 Authors: Professor Steven Weinberg , Nobel Laureate in Physics Uploaded on: [2009-02-17] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02., msc:03., msc:03.65.Fd] 17. Wolfram(S) 's Mathematica demos of mathematical concepts added by bci1 Authors: Various Uploaded on: [2009-02-17] , Classification: [msc:00., msc:02.] 18. Physical Mathematics and Physical Applied Mathematics added by bci1