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``On the Existence of Atoms''
by zorpoid on 2008-10-15 01:38:19 |
| Greetings,
I have seen PlanetMath and it is pretty good. I use it for a quick reference when I am not able to consult my own library. PlanetPhysics would be great if it had as much material as PlanetMath. Of course you have to get people to contribute.
I believe that I could make a few contributions, but that would take quite a bit of effort. For example, I have studied the historical and scientific background for our belief that atoms exist. I imagine that that would fall under the history of physics, but it's really about what compels scientific belief. How do you convince a scientist that invisible objects really exits?
I have already written it up to solidify my thoughts on the subject. The result is well over 400 pages and amounts to a book. Its really quite detailed, but will probably never see the light of day. So, I decided to write "A Short Account of Atomism". It is about 80 pages so far. I have a few sections to finish and I must add references, etc.
I have been doing all my writing with Word. The equations I did using Equation Editor and the illustrations are mostly bmp files. Changing the equations to Latex would be a major chore. I am not sure what to do with the illustrations or the text in terms of PlanetPhysics.
Is there any interest in this topic? I don't want to invest lots of time and effort if no one cares. Let me know.
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