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User Info
User Info for rafael_surtado
User ID: rafael_surtado
Name: Rafael Alves Batista
From: Penn Yan, NY, USA
Joined On: 2006-04-12 22:11:48
Last Logged in: 2006-04-29 13:56:01
Access Level: 10
Score: 2


I was born in Uberaba-MG-Brazil on August 23rd, 1987. I started to like physics because of astronomy. I studied all my life in the same school, in the same city and then I started Physics at UNICAMP, in Brazil. After one semester I stopped, came to USA to do an Exchange Program for one year, but I'll go back and continue to study Physics. In 2002 I was 14 and I traveled 10 hours to go to the National Astronomy Meeting, in Ouro Preto-Brazil. In 2003 I went to this same meeting in another city and in 2004 I was present again for the meeting. I've participated of many Star Parties. I was president of the Youth Astronomy society of my city from 2002-2004. I also worked as a volunteer at a Museum of Natural History. My areas of interest in Physics are: *Cosmology *Relativity *Superstring Theory *Dynamics of non-inertial bodies *Optics

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