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User Corrections Received

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1. 2010-12-28 Stefan Boltzmann Law by darklord received for Stefan-Boltzamann law
2. 2010-10-06 Requires classification by bci1 received for introduction to calculus of variations
3. 2009-03-12 notation by pahio received for quantum operator concept
4. 2008-10-04 check differential equation by curious received for Schr\"odinger equation wtih ramp potential
5. 2008-09-28 Four-dimensial space in SpecialTheoryOfRelativity, Part I, Section 17 title by bci1 received for Relativity: The Special and General Theory
6. 2008-09-28 SpecialTheoryOfRelativity by bci1 received for Relativity: The Special and General Theory
7. 2008-09-13 addition of terms in the ugly equation by curious received for time independent Schr\"odinger equation in spherical coordinates
8. 2008-03-26 Generally adding stuff by invisiblerhino received for Planck's radiation law
9. 2008-03-26 Capitalization by invisiblerhino received for work in classic mechanics
10. 2008-03-26 Capitalization by invisiblerhino received for rotational inertia of a solid sphere
11. 2008-03-25 Relationship with the angular momentum operator by invisiblerhino received for time independent Schr\"odinger equation in spherical coordinates
12. 2008-03-09 Another important vector relationship by invisiblerhino received for Vector Identities
13. 2007-08-22 1D example of the relation between force and potential energy by perucho received for 1D example of the relation between force and potential energy
14. 2007-07-01 type of entry, more prose, consistency, external linking by Wkbj79 received for SI unit prefixes
15. 2007-07-01 capitalization by Wkbj79 received for SI unit prefixes
16. 2006-10-02 spelling and capitalization by Mathprof received for Electric Field of a Line of Charge
17. 2006-07-21 some things concerning the units by pahio received for work in classic mechanics
18. 2006-07-21 gradient by pahio received for Vector Identities
19. 2006-06-19 equilibrium, applications by pahio received for frictionless inclined plane
20. 2006-03-30 Typo by aerringt received for time independent Schr\"odinger equation

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