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References to 'work'
1. Abel Laureates list by bci1
2. airship optimal control, 2D with drag by bloftin
3. Airship Stream Function by bloftin
4. Albert Einstein by bci1
5. Alexander Grothendieck by bci1
6. Alexander Grothendieck's mathematical `genealogy' by bci1
7. angular momentum of a system of particles by bloftin
8. applying Kepler's third law by bloftin
9. basic examples of calculating work in physics by bloftin
10. basic tensor theory by bloftin
11. bibliography for quantum field theories by bci1
12. black holes by bci1
13. capacitor networks by curious
14. categories and supercategories in relational biology by bci1
15. category by bci1
16. category of molecular sets by bci1
17. category theory applications by bci1
18. CCR representation theory by bci1
19. celestial coordinate system by bloftin
20. center of mass examples by bloftin
21. classical mechanics history by bci1
22. commutation relations of angular momentum by bloftin
23. commutator algebra by bloftin
24. Compton effect by bloftin
25. conduction by bloftin
26. constant acceleration problems by bloftin
27. Constellations by bloftin
28. Constellations on the Ecliptic by bloftin
29. curl by bloftin
30. difference between mass and weight by bloftin
31. differential equation of a family of curves by bloftin
32. differential equation of the family of parabolas by bloftin
33. differential equations by bloftin
34. Differential Geometry by rspuzio
35. direction cosine matrix by bloftin
36. divergence by bloftin
37. ecliptic coordinate system by bloftin
38. Einstein summation notation by bloftin
39. Electromagnetism by bloftin
40. Elie J. Cartan by bci1
41. equatorial coordinate system by bloftin
42. example calculating orbital periods by bloftin
43. example of mechanical power by bloftin
44. example of quantum commutator algebra by bloftin
45. examples of constants of the motion by bloftin
46. examples of Einstein summation notation by bloftin
47. Felix Bloch by bci1
48. Fields Medal and its winners by bci1
49. first law of thermodynamics by bloftin
50. Fundamental physical concepts by bci1
51. General Introduction by bloftin
52. generalities on quantum field theory by bloftin
53. generalized coordinates for free motion by bloftin
54. generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional by bci1
55. geometrization conjecture and theorem by bci1
56. George P\'olya by bci1
57. gluons, quarks and QCD by bci1
58. gradient by bloftin
59. GRE Physics study guide by bloftin
60. Hamilton's principle by bloftin
61. Herbert Daniel Landahl by bci1
62. Hilbert space by bci1
63. Hooke's law by akrowne
64. invertible matrix by bloftin
65. Jordan-Banach and Jordan-Lie algebras by bci1
66. Kepler's third law of planetary motion by bloftin
67. Kepler's three laws of planetary motion summarized by bloftin
68. kinetic energy by pbruin
69. Lagrange's equations by bloftin
70. lamellar field by pahio
71. magnetostatics by bloftin
72. metatheories, analytics and formal logics- by bci1
73. Minkowski's Four-Dimensional Space by bloftin
74. motion of the center of mass by bloftin
75. Newton's laws of motion by bloftin
76. non-Abelian algebraic topology by bci1
77. non-Newtonian calculi by vip6
78. noncommutative geometry topic by bci1
79. nuclear magnetic resonance principles by bci1
80. Observables and States by rspuzio
81. Ordinary differential equations definitions by bloftin
82. path independence of work by mdo
83. photoelectric effect by bloftin
84. physical laws by bci1
85. Physics news by bci1
86. style guideline summary by bci1
87. power by bloftin
88. Preface to the Second Edition: An Elementary Treatise On Quaternions by bloftin
89. Preface: An Elementary Treatise On Quaternions by bloftin
90. Preliminary definitions and general notions by bloftin
91. Principle of the communication of heat by bloftin
92. quantization of atomic energy levels by bloftin
93. quantum 6j-symbols and TQFT state by bci1
94. quantum chromodynamics (QCD) by bci1
95. quantum groups and von Neumann algebras by bci1
96. quantum LM-algebraic logic by bci1
97. quantum operator concept by bloftin
98. quantum space-times by bci1
99. quantum super-operators by bci1
100. Quantum topological order and extended quantum symmetries by bci1
101. relation between force and potential energy by bci1
102. Relativity: The Special and General Theory by bloftin
103. representations of 4-D spaces by bci1
104. Riemann surface by rspuzio
105. rigid body by bloftin
106. Robert Rosen by bci1
107. Roentgen's Ray by bloftin
108. Ronald Brown by bci1
109. Rotational Inertia of a Solid Cylinder by bloftin
110. SI units and derivations by Wkbj79
111. Sir Michael Atiyah by bci1
112. Statement of the Object of the Work by bloftin
113. supercategory by bci1
114. supercategory theories by bci1
115. table of Laplace transforms by pahio
116. The Age of the Earth using Heat Conduction by bloftin
117. The Analytical Theory of Heat by bloftin
118. The Equation of State for a Monatomic Gas by bloftin
119. The Experimental Confirmation of the General Theory of Relativity by bloftin
120. the theory of heat radiation by bloftin
121. Thermodynamics by bloftin
122. thermodynamics an introduction and definitions by bloftin
123. time dependence of the statistical distribution, constants of the motion by bloftin
124. time independent Schr\"odinger equation by bloftin
125. total energy of a system of particles by bloftin
126. Towers and Galileo by bci1
127. transformation from rectangular to generalized coordinates by bloftin
128. vector by bloftin
129. vector algebra by bloftin
130. Vector Triple Product by bloftin
131. Walter Elsasser by bci1
132. wave equation of a charged a particle in an electromagnetic field by bloftin
133. wave equation of a free particle by bloftin
134. wave equation of a particle in a scalar potential by bloftin
135. wave function space by bloftin
136. William F. Lawvere by bci1
137. work in classic mechanics by bloftin
138. zeroth law of thermodynamics by bloftin
139. \'{E}lie Joseph Cartan by bci1

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