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References to 'Table of categories and functor properties'
1. $\Omega$-spectrum by bci1
2. $\sigma$-finite Borel and Radon measures by bci1
3. 2-category of double groupoids by bci1
4. Airship Stream Function by bloftin
5. Alexander Grothendieck by bci1
6. Alexander Grothendieck's mathematical `genealogy' by bci1
7. algebraic categories and representations of classes of algebras by bci1
8. algebraic quantum field theories (AQFT) by bci1
9. algebraic topology by bci1
10. algebraically solvable equation by pahio
11. algebroid structures and extended symmetries by bci1
12. animated representation of 4D-space by bci1
13. approximation theorem for an arbitrary space by bci1
14. automaton by bci1
15. axiomatic theories and categorical foundations of mathematics by bci1
16. axiomatic theories of metacategories and supercategories by bci1
17. axioms of metacategories and supercategories by bci1
18. Axioms of Physics by bci1
19. axioms: metatheories and general theories by bci1
20. Baum-Connes conjecture by bci1
21. bibliography for quantum field theories by bci1
22. bibliography: doctoral theses supervised by A. Grothendieck by bci1
23. Borel morphism by bci1
24. C*-algebra by bci1
25. categorical algebra by bci1
26. categories and supercategories in relational biology by bci1
27. categories of groupoids by bci1
28. categories of Polish groups and Polish spaces by bci1
29. category by bci1
30. category of Borel spaces by bci1
31. category of quantum automata by bci1
32. category theory by bci1
33. center of Abelian category by bci1
34. cohomological complex by bci1
35. compact quantum groupoids by bci1
36. compact quantum groups by bci1
37. complex categorical dynamics by bci1
38. complex-valued continuous functions with compact support on H-lc by bci1
39. conduction by bloftin
40. continuity equation by mdo
41. covariance and contravariance by bloftin
42. CW-complex of spin networks (CWSN) by bci1
43. CW-complex representation theorems in QAT by bci1
44. deformation quantization by bci1
45. Differential Geometry by rspuzio
46. differential propositional calculus by Jon Awbrey
47. double groupoid with connection by bci1
48. duality and triality by bci1
49. duality in mathematics by bci1
50. Electric Field by bloftin
51. Electromagnetism by bloftin
52. elementary function by pahio
53. Esquisse d'un Programme by bci1
54. ETAS interpretation by bci1
55. Experience and the Special Theory of Relativity by bloftin
56. Felix Bloch by bci1
57. Frobenius method by pahio
58. Functorial Algebraic Geometry and Physics by bci1
59. fundamental complexity diagrams by bci1
60. fundamental groupoid functors by bci1
61. fundamental groupoid functors in quantum theories by bci1
62. fundamental quantum groupoid by bci1
63. fusion of theoretical physics with mathematics at IHES org by bci1
64. general dynamic systems by bci1
65. General Introduction by bloftin
66. generalities on quantum field theory by bloftin
67. generalized Hurewicz fundamental theorem by bci1
68. generalized topoi with LMn algebraic logic classifiers by bci1
69. generalized toposes with many-valued logic subobject classifiers by bci1
70. geometrically defined double groupoid with connection by bci1
71. geometrization conjecture and theorem by bci1
72. Grothendieck supervised doctoral theses by bci1
73. Grothendieck's ``Esquisse d'un Programme'' by bci1
74. groupoid by bci1
75. groupoid and group representations by bci1
76. groupoid C*-dynamical system by bci1
77. groupoid homomorphism by bci1
78. groupoids topic by bci1
79. Hamiltonian algebroid by bci1
80. homological complex of topological vector spaces by bci1
81. homotopy category by bci1
82. homotopy double groupoid of a Hausdorff space by bci1
83. Hopf algebras and quantum groups by bci1
84. index of algebraic geometry by bci1
85. index of algebraic topology by bci1
86. index of categories by bci1
87. index of category theory by bci1
88. index of experimental physics by bci1
89. inertia tensor by bloftin
90. invertible matrix by bloftin
91. Ionel Solomon by bci1
92. John H van Vleck by bci1
93. Jordan-Banach and Jordan-Lie algebras by bci1
94. Lie algebras by bci1
95. Lie algebroids by bci1
96. locally compact groupoid by bci1
97. locally compact Hausdorff spaces by bci1
98. Long March across the Theory of Galois by bci1
99. Maple for PlanetPhysics by bloftin
100. mathematical foundations of quantum field theories by bci1
101. mathematical physics by bci1
102. Mathematical structure of physical theories by bci1
103. Nicolae Popescu by bci1
104. Nicolae Popescu (mathematician) by bci1
105. non-Abelian algebraic topology by bci1
106. non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology by bci1
107. non-commutative structure by bci1
108. notations of fundamental concepts in physics by bci1
109. nuclear C*-algebra by bci1
110. nuclear magnetic resonance principles by bci1
111. Omega -spectrum by bci1
112. operator algebra and complex representation theorems by bci1
113. Organismic supercategories and super-complex system biodynamics by bci1
114. overview of algebraic topology by bci1
115. physical laws by bci1
116. Physics news by bci1
117. Planck's radiation law by bloftin
118. style guideline summary by bci1
119. plasma by bci1
120. Polish group by bci1
121. Preface to the Second Edition: An Elementary Treatise On Quaternions by bloftin
122. Preliminary definitions and general notions by bloftin
123. Principle of the communication of heat by bloftin
124. probability distribution functions in physics by bci1
125. quantized Riemann spaces by bci1
126. quantum 6j-symbols and TQFT state by bci1
127. quantum automata by bci1
128. quantum circuit by bci1
129. quantum fundamental groupoid by bci1
130. quantum geometry by bci1
131. quantum gravity programs by bci1
132. quantum groupoids and C*-algebras by bci1
133. quantum groups and dual Hopf algebras by bci1
134. quantum LM-algebraic logic by bci1
135. quantum nano-automata by bci1
136. quantum operator algebras by bci1
137. Quantum operator algebras in QFT by bci1
138. quantum operator concept by bloftin
139. quantum Riemannian geometry by bci1
140. quantum space-times by bci1
141. quantum super-operators by bci1
142. quantum symmetries from group and groupoid representations by bci1
143. Quantum topological order and extended quantum symmetries by bci1
144. quantum tunneling by bci1
145. R-algebroid by bci1
146. Radiation at Thermodynamic Equilibrium. Kirchoff's Law. Black Radiation by bloftin
147. regular measure by bci1
148. relation theory by Jon Awbrey
149. representation of a Cc(G)*- topological algebra by bci1
150. representation of locally compact groupoids by bci1
151. Riemann surface by rspuzio
152. rigged Hilbert space by bci1
153. rigid body by bloftin
154. Robert Rosen by bci1
155. Roentgen's Ray by bloftin
156. Ronald Brown by bci1
157. Schr\"odinger equation wtih ramp potential by bloftin
158. SI units and derivations by Wkbj79
159. similarity and analogous systems: dynamic adjointness and topological equivalence by bci1
160. spin and spin group mathematics by bci1
161. spin networks and spin foams by bci1
162. spin networks viewed as CW-complexes by bci1
163. Statement of the Object of the Work by bloftin
164. Stefan-Boltzamann law by bloftin
165. supercategory by bci1
166. supercategory theories by bci1
167. superdiagrams as heterofunctors by bci1
168. superspace and supergravity by bci1
169. symmetry and groupoid representations in functional biology by bci1
170. test classification by bloftin
171. test classification by bloftin
172. test ocr by bloftin
173. testling classification by bloftin
174. The Age of the Earth using Heat Conduction by bloftin
175. The Analytical Theory of Heat by bloftin
176. The Lorentz transformation by bloftin
177. theorem on CW--complex approximation of quantum state spaces in QAT by bci1
178. theoretical programs in quantum gravity by bci1
179. theory of organismic sets and mathematical relations by bci1
180. Thermodynamics by bloftin
181. thin double track by bci1
182. thin square by bci1
183. topic entry on the algebraic foundations of mathematics by bci1
184. topic on algebraic foundations of quantum algebraic topology by bci1
185. topic on applied mathematical physics and physical mathematics by bci1
186. topic on axioms by bci1
187. topic on axioms and foundations of homology and cohomology theories by bci1
188. topic on computational physics by bci1
189. topic on foundations of quantum algebraic topology by bci1
190. topic on groupoid symmetries and duality by bci1
191. topic on mathematical physics and physical mathematics applications by bci1
192. topics in algebraic topology by bci1
193. topological G-space by bci1
194. Van Kampen Theorem for groups and groupoids by bci1
195. variable groupoid by bci1
196. variable network topology by bci1
197. variable topology by bci1
198. vector algebra by bloftin
199. Vectors and Their Composition by bloftin
200. weak homotopy double groupoid by bci1
201. weak Hopf algebra by bci1
202. weak interaction by vip6
203. William F. Lawvere by bci1

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