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References to 'stellar magnitude'
1. A Few Inferences from the General Principle of Relativity by bloftin
2. airship optimal control, 2D with drag by bloftin
3. Airship Stream Function by bloftin
4. an application of Gauss' law a cat's meow by bloftin
5. angular momentum of a system of particles by bloftin
6. auxiliary field H by bloftin
7. Ben's bibliography by bloftin
8. conduction by bloftin
9. continuity equation by mdo
10. cosmic microwave background radiation by bloftin
11. Coulomb's law by bloftin
12. covariance and contravariance by bloftin
13. curl by bloftin
14. derivation of heat equation by pahio
15. difference between mass and weight by bloftin
16. direction cosines by bloftin
17. dot product examples by bloftin
18. Electric Field by bloftin
19. Electric Field of a Charged Disk by bloftin
20. example of solving the heat equation by bloftin
21. flux of vector field by pahio
22. Gauss's Law by Saketh
23. General Introduction by bloftin
24. gluons, quarks and QCD by bci1
25. gradient by bloftin
26. Laplacian in Spherical Coordinates by bloftin
27. Minkowski's Four-Dimensional Space by bloftin
28. motion in central-force field by pahio
29. Muon by metalac
30. nuclear magnetic resonance principles by bci1
31. Principle of the communication of heat by bloftin
32. principles of thermodynamics by bci1
33. Radiation at Thermodynamic Equilibrium. Kirchoff's Law. Black Radiation by bloftin
34. relation between force and potential energy by bci1
35. rigid body by bloftin
36. sources and sinks of vector field by pahio
37. Space and Time in Classical Mechanics by bloftin
38. Stefan-Boltzamann law by bloftin
39. The Behaviour of Measuring-Rods and Clocks in Motion by bloftin
40. The Equality of Inertial and Gravitational Mass as an Argument for the General Postulate of Relativity by bloftin
41. The Equation of State for a Monatomic Gas by bloftin
42. The Experimental Confirmation of the General Theory of Relativity by bloftin
43. The Heuristic Value of the Theory of Relativity by bloftin
44. The Lorentz transformation by bloftin
45. The Principle of Relativity in the Restricted Sense by bloftin
46. The Structure of Space According to the General Theory of Relativity by bloftin
47. The Structure of Space According to the General Theory of Relativity (Supplementary to Section 32) by bloftin
48. The System of Co-ordinate by bloftin
49. topic on equations in mathematical physics by bci1
50. vector by bloftin
51. vector algebra by bloftin
52. vector functions by bloftin
53. Vectors and Their Composition by bloftin
54. velocity by vip6
55. virial theorem by bloftin
56. work by bloftin

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