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References to 'relation theory'
1. $C_3$-category by bci1
2. $C_cG$ by bci1
3. 2-category by bci1
4. 2D-FT MR- Imaging and related Nobel awards by bci1
5. A Few Inferences from the General Principle of Relativity by bloftin
6. abstract relational biology (ARB) by bci1
7. affine parameter by rspuzio
8. Airship Stream Function by bloftin
9. Albert Einstein by bci1
10. algebraic categories and representations of classes of algebras by bci1
11. algebraic topology by bci1
12. algebroid structures and extended symmetries by bci1
13. alternative definition of category by rspuzio
14. An Elementary Treatise on Quaternions by bloftin
15. Andr\'e Bloch by bci1
16. angular momentum of a system of particles by bloftin
17. Atomic and nuclear structure by bci1
18. automata theory and computer simulation applications to biomedicine by bci1
19. axiomatic theories of metacategories and supercategories by bci1
20. axioms of metacategories and supercategories by bci1
21. axioms: metatheories and general theories by bci1
22. ballistics (2D) by vip6
23. basic examples of calculating work in physics by bloftin
24. basic tensor theory by bloftin
25. Baum-Connes conjecture by bci1
26. Behaviour of Clocks and Measuring-Rods on a Rotating Body of Reference by bloftin
27. Ben's bibliography by bloftin
28. Bernoulli equation and its physical applications by pahio
29. Bessel equation by pahio
30. Bessel functions and diffraction by helical structures by pahio
31. bibliography for groupoids and algebraic topology by bci1
32. bibliography for quantum field theories by bci1
33. boolean-valued function by Jon Awbrey
34. Borel groupoid by bci1
35. Borel space by bci1
36. Bose-Einstein condensation by bci1
37. C*-algebra by bci1
38. C*-Clifford algebra by bci1
39. C-cG by bci1
40. canonical commutation and anti-commutation relations: their representations by bci1
41. canonical quantization by bci1
42. categorical LM-algebraic logic and quantum logic by bci1
43. categorical physics by bci1
44. categorical sequence by bci1
45. categories of quantum automata and quantum computers by bci1
46. category by bci1
47. category of $(M,R)$ -systems by bci1
48. category of Borel spaces by bci1
49. category of groupoids by bci1
50. category of molecular reactions by bci1
51. category of molecular sets by bci1
52. category theory by bci1
53. catenary by pahio
54. CCR representation theory by bci1
55. center of Abelian category by bci1
56. center of mass examples by bloftin
57. Clifford algebra by bci1
58. cohomology group theorem by bci1
59. collision by bloftin
60. commutation relations of angular momentum by bloftin
61. commutative square diagram by bci1
62. commutator algebra by bloftin
63. compact quantum groupoids by bci1
64. compact quantum groups by bci1
65. complex categorical dynamics by bci1
66. complex systems biophysics by bci1
67. complex-valued continuous functions with compact support on H-lc by bci1
68. Compton effect by bloftin
69. conduction by bloftin
70. conservation of linear momentum by mdo
71. construction of Riemann surface using paths by rspuzio
72. Coordinates of a Point by bloftin
73. cosmic microwave background radiation by bloftin
74. covariance and contravariance by bloftin
75. cubically thin homotopy by bci1
76. curl by bloftin
77. CW-complex of spin networks (CWSN) by bci1
78. d'Alembert and D. Bernoulli solutions of wave equation by pahio
79. derivation of wave equation by pahio
80. determination of Fourier coefficients by pahio
81. difference between mass and weight by bloftin
82. differential equation of a family of curves by bloftin
83. differential equation of the family of parabolas by bloftin
84. differential equations by bloftin
85. Differential Geometry by rspuzio
86. differential propositional calculus by Jon Awbrey
87. Dirac equation by invisiblerhino
88. Dirac's delta distribution by bci1
89. direction cosine matrix to axis angle of rotation by bloftin
90. direction cosine matrix to Euler 121 angles by bloftin
91. direction cosine matrix to Euler 123 angles by bloftin
92. direction cosine matrix to Euler 131 angles by bloftin
93. direction cosine matrix to Euler 132 angles by bloftin
94. direction cosine matrix to Euler 212 angles by bloftin
95. direction cosine matrix to Euler 213 angles by bloftin
96. direction cosine matrix to Euler 231 angles by bloftin
97. direction cosine matrix to Euler 232 angles by bloftin
98. direction cosine matrix to Euler 312 angles by bloftin
99. direction cosine matrix to Euler 313 angles by bloftin
100. direction cosine matrix to Euler 321 angles by bloftin
101. direction cosine matrix to Euler 323 angles by bloftin
102. direction cosines by bloftin
103. DNA molecular models by bci1
104. duality and triality by bci1
105. duality in mathematics by bci1
106. Einstein summation notation by bloftin
107. Electric Charge by bloftin
108. Electric Field of a Charged Disk by bloftin
109. Electric Field of a Line of Charge by bloftin
110. elementary function by pahio
111. Elementary particles topic by bci1
112. Enriched Category Theory by bci1
113. ETAC by bci1
114. ETAS interpretation by bci1
115. exact differential equation by pahio
116. Exact Formulation of the General Principle of Relativity by bloftin
117. example of mechanical power by bloftin
118. example of quantum commutator algebra by bloftin
119. example of solving the heat equation by bloftin
120. example of vector potential by pahio
121. examples of constants of the motion by bloftin
122. examples of Einstein summation notation by bloftin
123. examples of lamellar field by pahio
124. examples of periodic functions by pahio
125. expanding universe by bloftin
126. Experience and the Special Theory of Relativity by bloftin
127. Felix Bloch by bci1
128. fermion by vip6
129. Feynman's Lectures on Physics by bci1
130. Fourier series in complex form and Fourier integral by pahio
131. Fresnel formulae by pahio
132. Fresnel formulae result by bci1
133. Fresnel integrals by pahio
134. frictionless inclined plane by bloftin
135. Frobenius method by pahio
136. Functorial Algebraic Geometry and Physics by bci1
137. Fundamental physical concepts by bci1
138. fundamental complexity diagrams by bci1
139. fundamental theorem of integral calculus by pahio
140. fuzzy logics of living organisms by bci1
141. gamma function by bloftin
142. gauge bosons by bci1
143. Gauss's Law by Saketh
144. Geiger's Method by aerringt
145. gene nets: physical and mathematical models by bci1
146. general definition by bci1
147. general dynamic systems by bci1
148. General Introduction by bloftin
149. General Results of the Theory by bloftin
150. generalities on quantum field theory by bloftin
151. generalized coordinates for free motion by bloftin
152. generalized coordinates for constrained motion by bloftin
153. generalized Fourier and measured groupoid transforms by bci1
154. generalized Fourier transform by bci1
155. geodesic by bci1
156. George Palade by bci1
157. gluons, quarks and QCD by bci1
158. gradient by bloftin
159. Grassmann-Hopf algebras and coalgebras\gebras by bci1
160. Grassmann-Hopf algebroid categories and Grassmann categories by bci1
161. groupoid and group representations by bci1
162. groupoid C*-convolution algebra by bci1
163. groupoid representation theorem by bci1
164. groupoids topic by bci1
165. growth of exponential function by pahio
166. Hamilton's principle by bloftin
167. Hamiltonian algebroid by bci1
168. harmonic conjugate functions by pahio
169. Heisenberg uncertainty principle by bci1
170. Hermite equation by pahio
171. Hermite polynomials by pahio
172. High energy physics by bci1
173. higher dimensional algebra by bci1
174. Hilbert space by bci1
175. homotopy category by bci1
176. homotopy double groupoid of a Hausdorff space by bci1
177. Hopf algebras and quantum groups by bci1
178. index of algebraic geometry by bci1
179. index of algebraic topology by bci1
180. index of categories by bci1
181. index of category theory by bci1
182. inflexion point by pahio
183. integral equation by pahio
184. introduction to calculus of variations by bloftin
185. Ion Pavaloiu by bci1
186. Jordan-Banach and Jordan-Lie algebras by bci1
187. Lagrange's equations by bloftin
188. lamellar field by pahio
189. Laplace equation in cylindrical coordinates by bloftin
190. Laplace transform of Dirac's delta distribution by bci1
191. Laplacian in Spherical Coordinates by bloftin
192. Legendre polynomials by bloftin
193. lepton by vip6
194. Lie algebras by bci1
195. Lie algebroids by bci1
196. linking control summary by bci1
197. locally compact quantum group by bci1
198. Long March across the Theory of Galois by bci1
199. loop example of Biot-Savart law by bloftin
200. magnons by bci1
201. metatheories, analytics and formal logics- by bci1
202. methods of solving ODE by invisiblerhino
203. metric superfields by bci1
204. molecular set category by bci1
205. moment of inertia by bloftin
206. moment of inertia of a circular disk by bloftin
207. motion of the center of mass by bloftin
208. Neutrino by metalac
209. Nicolae Popescu by bci1
210. Nicolae Popescu (mathematician) by bci1
211. Nicolas Rashevsky by bci1
212. non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology by bci1
213. non-commutative dynamic modeling diagrams by bci1
214. non-Newtonian calculi by vip6
215. noncommutative geometry topic by bci1
216. nuclear C*-algebra by bci1
217. nuclear magnetic resonance principles by bci1
218. ocr 2 proofreading test by rspuzio
219. Ordinary Differential Equation by bloftin
220. Ordinary differential equations definitions by bloftin
221. organismic set theory by bci1
222. organismic set theory and relational biology by bci1
223. Organismic supercategories and super-complex system biodynamics by bci1
224. path independence of work by mdo
225. penny falling from Empire State Building by bloftin
226. physical laws by bci1
227. Physical Meaning of Geometrical Propositions by bloftin
228. Physics news by bci1
229. Planck's radiation law by bloftin
230. style guideline summary by bci1
231. Poisson ring by rspuzio
232. position by Wkbj79
233. position vector by pahio
234. potential of spherical shell by pahio
235. power by bloftin
236. Preface to the Second Edition: An Elementary Treatise On Quaternions by bloftin
237. Preliminary definitions and general notions by bloftin
238. Principle of the communication of heat by bloftin
239. principles of NIR spectroscopy by vip6
240. principles of thermodynamics by bci1
241. probability distribution functions in physics by bci1
242. QED by bci1
243. quantization of atomic energy levels by bloftin
244. quantized Riemann spaces by bci1
245. quantum 6j-symbols and TQFT state by bci1
246. quantum automata by bci1
247. quantum gravity programs by bci1
248. quantum groupoids and C*-algebras by bci1
249. quantum groups and dual Hopf algebras by bci1
250. quantum groups and von Neumann algebras by bci1
251. quantum Hamiltonian operator by bci1
252. quantum harmonic oscillator and Lie algebra by bci1
253. quantum LM-algebraic logic by bci1
254. quantum operator algebras by bci1
255. Quantum operator algebras in QFT by bci1
256. quantum operator concept by bloftin
257. quantum super-operators by bci1
258. quantum symmetries from group and groupoid representations by bci1
259. quantum tunneling by bci1
260. quantum `paradoxes' by bci1
261. qubit and qudit by bci1
262. R-algebroid by bci1
263. Radiation at Thermodynamic Equilibrium. Kirchoff's Law. Black Radiation by bloftin
264. Recursive Function by rspuzio
265. relation between force and potential energy by bci1
266. resonance by bci1
267. Riccati equation by pahio
268. Riemann surface by rspuzio
269. Riemann zeta function by bloftin
270. rigid body by bloftin
271. Robert Rosen by bci1
272. Roentgen's Ray by bloftin
273. Ronald Brown by bci1
274. rotational inertia of a solid sphere by bloftin
275. scanning force microscopy (SFM) by bci1
276. Schr\"odinger equation wtih ramp potential by bloftin
277. Schwarz--Christoffel transformation by pahio
278. similarity and analogous systems: dynamic adjointness and topological equivalence by bci1
279. Simple Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation by bloftin
280. simple harmonic oscillator by rspuzio
281. single stage rocket burnout height by bloftin
282. soliton by invisiblerhino
283. solving the wave equation due to D. Bernoulli by bloftin
284. space-time quantization in quantum gravity theories by bci1
285. spectroscopy topics by bci1
286. spin and spin group mathematics by bci1
287. spin networks viewed as CW-complexes by bci1
288. Statement of the Object of the Work by bloftin
289. supercategory by bci1
290. supercategory theories by bci1
291. supercomputers by bci1
292. superdiagrams as heterofunctors by bci1
293. superfields by bci1
294. superspace and supergravity by bci1
295. supersymmetry by bci1
296. symmetry and groupoid representations in functional biology by bci1
297. table of Fourier and generalized transforms by bci1
298. table of Laplace transforms by pahio
299. tangential Cauchy-Riemann complexes by bci1
300. Taylor series by pahio
301. telegraph equation by pahio
302. test classification by bloftin
303. test classification by bloftin
304. test ocr by bloftin
305. test ocr 2 by bloftin
306. testling classification by bloftin
307. The Age of the Earth using Heat Conduction by bloftin
308. The Analytical Theory of Heat by bloftin
309. The Apparent Incompatability of the Law of Propagation of Light by bloftin
310. The Equation of State for a Monatomic Gas by bloftin
311. The Heuristic Value of the Theory of Relativity by bloftin
312. The Lorentz transformation by bloftin
313. The Principle of Relativity in the Restricted Sense by bloftin
314. The Solution of the Problem of Gravitation on the Basis of the General Principle of Relativity by bloftin
315. the theory of heat radiation by bloftin
316. theoretical programs in quantum gravity by bci1
317. theory of organismic sets and mathematical relations by bci1
318. time dependence of the statistical distribution, constants of the motion by bloftin
319. time independent Schr\"odinger equation by bloftin
320. time independent Schr\"odinger equation in spherical coordinates by bloftin
321. time-dependent example of heat equation by bloftin
322. time-dependent harmonic oscillators by bci1
323. topic on axioms and foundations of homology and cohomology theories by bci1
324. topic on foundations of quantum algebraic topology by bci1
325. topic on physics resources and major facilities by bci1
326. topics in algebraic topology by bci1
327. total energy of a system of particles by bloftin
328. transformation from rectangular to generalized coordinates by bloftin
329. two-dimensional Fourier transforms by bci1
330. uncertainty by waves by pahio
331. uniform continuity over locally compact quantum groupoids by bci1
332. using convolution to find Laplace transforms by pahio
333. variational principle by rspuzio
334. vector by bloftin
335. vector algebra by bloftin
336. vector functions by bloftin
337. Vector Triple Product by bloftin
338. Vectors and Their Composition by bloftin
339. velocity by vip6
340. wave equation by bloftin
341. wave equation of a charged a particle in an electromagnetic field by bloftin
342. wave equation of a free particle by bloftin
343. wave equation of a particle in a scalar potential by bloftin
344. wave equations by bci1
345. wave function space by bloftin
346. weak Hopf algebra by bci1
347. weak Hopf C*-algebra by bci1
348. weak interaction by vip6
349. Wien displacement law by bloftin
350. Wigner--Weyl--Moyal quantization procedures by bci1
351. work by bloftin
352. X-ray microscope by bci1
353. Yetter-Drinfel'd module by bci1

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