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References to 'quantum space-times'
1. algebraic quantum field theories (AQFT) by bci1
2. Axioms of Physics by bci1
3. Baum-Connes conjecture by bci1
4. categorical LM-algebraic logic and quantum logic by bci1
5. category theory by bci1
6. Einstein's GR field equations by bci1
7. ETAS interpretation by bci1
8. fundamental formulas of physics: categories by bci1
9. generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional by bci1
10. locally compact Hausdorff spaces by bci1
11. mathematical foundations of quantum field theories by bci1
12. mathematical physics by bci1
13. non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology by bci1
14. Observables and States by rspuzio
15. overview of the content of PlanetPhysics by bci1
16. quantized Riemann spaces by bci1
17. quantum 6j-symbols and TQFT state by bci1
18. quantum algebraic topology: topics by bci1
19. quantum groupoids and C*-algebras by bci1
20. quantum LM-algebraic logic by bci1
21. quantum logic topoi by bci1
22. quantum operator algebras by bci1
23. Quantum operator algebras in QFT by bci1
24. Quantum topological order and extended quantum symmetries by bci1
25. space-time quantization in quantum gravity theories by bci1
26. spin and spin group mathematics by bci1
27. table of Fourier and generalized transforms by bci1
28. theorem on CW--complex approximation of quantum state spaces in QAT by bci1
29. theoretical programs in quantum gravity by bci1
30. topic on algebraic foundations of quantum algebraic topology by bci1
31. topic on applied mathematical physics and physical mathematics by bci1
32. topic on axioms by bci1
33. topic on computational physics by bci1
34. weak interaction by vip6

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