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References to 'quantum `paradoxes''
1. Albert Einstein by bci1
2. Ben's bibliography by bloftin
3. bibliography for quantum field theories by bci1
4. C*-algebra by bci1
5. canonical quantization by bci1
6. categorical LM-algebraic logic and quantum logic by bci1
7. classical mechanics history by bci1
8. commutation relations of angular momentum by bloftin
9. commutator algebra by bloftin
10. Compton effect by bloftin
11. CW-complex of spin networks (CWSN) by bci1
12. Dirac notations-delta and observable algebras by bci1
13. Dirac's delta distribution by bci1
14. Electromagnetism by bloftin
15. example of quantum commutator algebra by bloftin
16. examples of constants of the motion by bloftin
17. Feynman's Lectures on Physics by bci1
18. fundamental formulas of physics: categories by bci1
19. fundamentals of nuclear physics by bci1
20. generalities on quantum field theory by bloftin
21. GRE Physics study guide by bloftin
22. groupoid and group representations by bci1
23. Heisenberg uncertainty principle by bci1
24. Hilbert space by bci1
25. Hopf algebras and quantum groups by bci1
26. mathematical biology and theoretical biophysics by bci1
27. mathematical physics by bci1
28. Mathematical structure of physical theories by bci1
29. momentum by pbruin
30. notations of fundamental concepts in physics by bci1
31. Observables and States by rspuzio
32. Poisson ring by rspuzio
33. probability distribution functions in physics by bci1
34. QED by bci1
35. quantization of atomic energy levels by bloftin
36. quantum groups and dual Hopf algebras by bci1
37. quantum groups and von Neumann algebras by bci1
38. quantum Hamiltonian operator by bci1
39. quantum LM-algebraic logic by bci1
40. quantum logic by bci1
41. quantum operator algebras by bci1
42. Quantum operator algebras in QFT by bci1
43. quantum operator concept by bloftin
44. quantum super-operators by bci1
45. quantum symmetries from group and groupoid representations by bci1
46. Rayleigh-Ritz method by invisiblerhino
47. representations of 4-D spaces by bci1
48. rigged Hilbert space by bci1
49. space-time quantization in quantum gravity theories by bci1
50. spin and spin group mathematics by bci1
51. spin networks and spin foams by bci1
52. spin networks viewed as CW-complexes by bci1
53. table of Fourier and generalized transforms by bci1
54. temperature by bloftin
55. theoretical biophysics and mathematical biology by bci1
56. time dependence of the statistical distribution, constants of the motion by bloftin
57. wave equation of a charged a particle in an electromagnetic field by bloftin
58. wave equation of a free particle by bloftin
59. wave equation of a particle in a scalar potential by bloftin
60. wave function space by bloftin
61. weak Hopf algebra by bci1
62. weak Hopf C*-algebra by bci1

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