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References to 'position'
1. 1D example of the relation between force and potential energy by bloftin
2. A Few Inferences from the General Principle of Relativity by bloftin
3. acceleration by pbruin
4. Atomic and nuclear structure by bci1
5. ballistics (2D) by vip6
6. basic examples of calculating work in physics by bloftin
7. Behaviour of Clocks and Measuring-Rods on a Rotating Body of Reference by bloftin
8. bibliography for quantum field theories by bci1
9. canonical commutation and anti-commutation relations: their representations by bci1
10. categorical LM-algebraic logic and quantum logic by bci1
11. catenary by pahio
12. CCR representation theory by bci1
13. celestial coordinate system by bloftin
14. Celestial Sphere by bloftin
15. celestial sphere and zenith example problem by bloftin
16. center of mass by bci1
17. center of mass examples by bloftin
18. classical mechanics history by bci1
19. commutator algebra by bloftin
20. conduction by bloftin
21. constant acceleration problems by bloftin
22. Constellations by bloftin
23. convert equatorial coordinates into decimal degrees by bloftin
24. Coordinates of a Point by bloftin
25. curl by bloftin
26. derivation of wave equation by pahio
27. difference between mass and weight by bloftin
28. ecliptic coordinate system by bloftin
29. Electric Field by bloftin
30. Epicentre by aerringt
31. equatorial coordinate system by bloftin
32. equatorial coordinate system example problem by bloftin
33. Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Continuum by bloftin
34. Exact Formulation of the General Principle of Relativity by bloftin
35. example constant acceleration and speed of sound by bloftin
36. example of Kepler's second law with Earth's orbit by bloftin
37. Experience and the Special Theory of Relativity by bloftin
38. Felix Bloch by bci1
39. General Introduction by bloftin
40. generalities on quantum field theory by bloftin
41. George Karreman by bci1
42. gradient by bloftin
43. Heisenberg uncertainty principle by bci1
44. Herbert Daniel Landahl by bci1
45. Hooke's law by akrowne
46. Hypocentre by aerringt
47. Kepler's first two laws of planetary motion by bloftin
48. Kepler's three laws of planetary motion summarized by bloftin
49. moment of inertia by bloftin
50. motion of the center of mass by bloftin
51. notations of fundamental concepts in physics by bci1
52. nuclear magnetic resonance principles by bci1
53. Observables and States by rspuzio
54. path independence of work by mdo
55. penny falling from Empire State Building by bloftin
56. Physical Meaning of Geometrical Propositions by bloftin
57. Preliminary definitions and general notions by bloftin
58. quantum harmonic oscillator and Lie algebra by bci1
59. quantum LM-algebraic logic by bci1
60. quantum operator algebras by bci1
61. Quantum operator algebras in QFT by bci1
62. quantum `paradoxes' by bci1
63. Radiation at Thermodynamic Equilibrium. Kirchoff's Law. Black Radiation by bloftin
64. relation between force and potential energy by bci1
65. Ronald Brown by bci1
66. SI units and derivations by Wkbj79
67. simple harmonic oscillator by rspuzio
68. single stage rocket burnout height by bloftin
69. solving the wave equation due to D. Bernoulli by bloftin
70. Space and Time in Classical Mechanics by bloftin
71. space-time quantization in quantum gravity theories by bci1
72. Statement of the Object of the Work by bloftin
73. Statistical Entropy by woodgrain
74. The Experimental Confirmation of the General Theory of Relativity by bloftin
75. The Principle of Relativity in the Restricted Sense by bloftin
76. The Relativity of Simulatneity by bloftin
77. The Solution of the Problem of Gravitation on the Basis of the General Principle of Relativity by bloftin
78. The Space-Time Continuum of the General Theory of Relativity is Not a Euclidean Continuum by bloftin
79. The Space-Time Continuum of the Special Theory of Relativity Considered as a Euclidean Continuum by bloftin
80. The System of Co-ordinate by bloftin
81. transformation from rectangular to generalized coordinates by bloftin
82. vector algebra by bloftin
83. vector functions by bloftin
84. Vectors and Their Composition by bloftin
85. velocity by vip6
86. wave equation of a particle in a scalar potential by bloftin
87. wave function space by bloftin

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