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References to '$\Omega$-spectrum'
1. algebraic quantum field theories (AQFT) by bci1
2. algebraic topology by bci1
3. axioms: metatheories and general theories by bci1
4. cohomology group theorem by bci1
5. cosmic microwave background radiation by bloftin
6. derivation of cohomology group theorem by bci1
7. duality and triality by bci1
8. General Introduction by bloftin
9. index of algebraic geometry by bci1
10. index of algebraic topology by bci1
11. nuclear magnetic resonance principles by bci1
12. Omega -spectrum by bci1
13. overview of algebraic topology by bci1
14. physical laws by bci1
15. principles of NIR spectroscopy by vip6
16. QED by bci1
17. quantum super-operators by bci1
18. Radiation at Thermodynamic Equilibrium. Kirchoff's Law. Black Radiation by bloftin
19. rigged Hilbert space by bci1
20. spin and spin group mathematics by bci1
21. tangential Cauchy-Riemann complexes by bci1
22. The Experimental Confirmation of the General Theory of Relativity by bloftin
23. topics in algebraic topology by bci1
24. uncertainty by waves by pahio

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