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References to 'nuclear magnetic resonance principles'
1. 2D-FT MR- Imaging and related Nobel awards by bci1
2. angular momentum of a system of particles by bloftin
3. automata theory and computer simulation applications to biomedicine by bci1
4. commutation relations of angular momentum by bloftin
5. conservation of angular momentum by mdo
6. cosmic microwave background radiation by bloftin
7. DNA molecular models by bci1
8. Electromagnetism by bloftin
9. Euler's moment equations by bloftin
10. example of Kepler's second law with Earth's orbit by bloftin
11. Felix Bloch by bci1
12. fermion by vip6
13. Feynman's Lectures on Physics by bci1
14. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) by bci1
15. gluons, quarks and QCD by bci1
16. GRE Physics study guide by bloftin
17. magnetostatics by bloftin
18. motion in central-force field by pahio
19. non-Newtonian calculi by vip6
20. notations of fundamental concepts in physics by bci1
21. Preface to the Second Edition: An Elementary Treatise On Quaternions by bloftin
22. principles of NIR spectroscopy by vip6
23. resonance by bci1
24. spectroscopy areas by bci1
25. spectroscopy topics by bci1
26. spin networks and spin foams by bci1
27. The Equation of State for a Monatomic Gas by bloftin
28. The Experimental Confirmation of the General Theory of Relativity by bloftin
29. time independent Schr\"odinger equation in spherical coordinates by bloftin
30. topic on physics resources and major facilities by bci1
31. two-dimensional Fourier transforms by bci1

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