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References to 'mathematical physics'
1. Abel Laureates list by bci1
2. Albert Einstein by bci1
3. Alexandru Proca by bci1
4. angular momentum of a system of particles by bloftin
5. axiomatics and categorical foundations of mathematical physics by bci1
6. axioms: metatheories and general theories by bci1
7. bibliography for quantum field theories by bci1
8. categorical LM-algebraic logic and quantum logic by bci1
9. categorical physics by bci1
10. categorical physics by bci1
11. category of Riemannian manifolds by bci1
12. category theory by bci1
13. category theory applications by bci1
14. covariance and contravariance by bloftin
15. CW-complex of spin networks (CWSN) by bci1
16. deformation quantization by bci1
17. Differential Geometry by rspuzio
18. Dirac equation by invisiblerhino
19. Elementary particles topic by bci1
20. Elie J. Cartan by bci1
21. ETAS interpretation by bci1
22. Felix Bloch by bci1
23. Fields Medal and its winners by bci1
24. Free Encyclopedia from PM books by bci1
25. fundamental formulas of physics: categories by bci1
26. George Karreman by bci1
27. Hamilton's principle by bloftin
28. Klein-Gordon equation by invisiblerhino
29. M-theory by bci1
30. mathematical biology and theoretical biophysics by bci1
31. metatheories, analytics and formal logics- by bci1
32. motion of the center of mass by bloftin
33. Preface to the Second Edition: An Elementary Treatise On Quaternions by bloftin
34. QED by bci1
35. quantized Riemann spaces by bci1
36. quantum 6j-symbols and TQFT state by bci1
37. quantum categories by bci1
38. quantum groupoids and C*-algebras by bci1
39. quantum harmonic oscillator and Lie algebra by bci1
40. quantum LM-algebraic logic by bci1
41. quantum operator algebras by bci1
42. Quantum operator algebras in QFT by bci1
43. quantum space-times by bci1
44. Relativity: The Special and General Theory by bloftin
45. space-time quantization in quantum gravity theories by bci1
46. spin and spin group mathematics by bci1
47. spin networks and spin foams by bci1
48. spin networks viewed as CW-complexes by bci1
49. Stokes' theorem by bloftin
50. supercategory by bci1
51. supercategory theories by bci1
52. The Apparent Incompatability of the Law of Propagation of Light by bloftin
53. theoretical biophysics and mathematical biology by bci1
54. topic on algebraic foundations of quantum algebraic topology by bci1
55. topic on groupoid symmetries and duality by bci1
56. topic on major resources for mathematics and mathematical physics by bci1
57. topic on mathematical physics and physical mathematics applications by bci1
58. topic on physics resources and major facilities by bci1
59. transformation from rectangular to generalized coordinates by bloftin
60. two-dimensional Fourier transforms by bci1
61. ultracomplex systems and categorical dynamics by bci1
62. Yetter-Drinfel'd module by bci1
63. \'{E}lie Joseph Cartan by bci1

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