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References to 'kinetic energy'
1. example of generalized coordinates for constrained motion on a horizontal circle by bloftin
2. friction by bloftin
3. General Results of the Theory by bloftin
4. generalized coordinates for free motion by bloftin
5. Hamilton's principle by bloftin
6. Lagrange's equations by bloftin
7. motion in central-force field by pahio
8. photoelectric effect by bloftin
9. quantization of atomic energy levels by bloftin
10. relation between force and potential energy by bci1
11. Schr\"odinger equation wtih ramp potential by bloftin
12. temperature by bloftin
13. The Equation of State for a Monatomic Gas by bloftin
14. topic on equations in mathematical physics by bci1
15. total energy of a system of particles by bloftin
16. velocity by vip6
17. virial theorem by bloftin
18. work in classic mechanics by bloftin

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