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References to 'heat'
1. Ben's bibliography by bloftin
2. Bessel functions and diffraction by helical structures by pahio
3. Bessel functions: applications to diffraction by helical structures by bci1
4. conduction by bloftin
5. derivation of heat equation by pahio
6. entropy by bloftin
7. Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Continuum by bloftin
8. example of Kepler's first law with Earth's orbit by bloftin
9. first law of thermodynamics by bloftin
10. friction by bloftin
11. Fundamental physical concepts by bci1
12. fundamental formulas of physics: categories by bci1
13. General Introduction by bloftin
14. GRE Physics study guide by bloftin
15. physical laws by bci1
16. Physics news by bci1
17. plasma by bci1
18. Preface to the Second Edition: An Elementary Treatise On Quaternions by bloftin
19. Preliminary definitions and general notions by bloftin
20. Principle of the communication of heat by bloftin
21. principles of thermodynamics by bci1
22. Radiation at Thermodynamic Equilibrium. Kirchoff's Law. Black Radiation by bloftin
23. Statement of the Object of the Work by bloftin
24. Stefan-Boltzamann law by bloftin
25. superconductivity by bci1
26. The Age of the Earth using Heat Conduction by bloftin
27. The Analytical Theory of Heat by bloftin
28. The Equation of State for a Monatomic Gas by bloftin
29. Thermodynamics by bloftin
30. thermodynamics an introduction and definitions by bloftin
31. time-dependent example of heat equation by bloftin
32. topic on equations in mathematical physics by bci1
33. vector functions by bloftin
34. wave equation by bloftin

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