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References to 'classical mechanics history'
1. Airship Stream Function by bloftin
2. angular momentum of a system of particles by bloftin
3. center of mass by bci1
4. center of mass examples by bloftin
5. continuity equation by mdo
6. Cosmological Difficulties of Newton's Theory by bloftin
7. difference between mass and weight by bloftin
8. Differential Geometry by rspuzio
9. duality and triality by bci1
10. duality in mathematics by bci1
11. Electromagnetism by bloftin
12. Elie J. Cartan by bci1
13. equilibrium by pahio
14. example of Kepler's first law with Earth's orbit by bloftin
15. generalities on quantum field theory by bloftin
16. Hamilton's principle by bloftin
17. In What Respects Are the Foundations of Classical Mechanics and of the Special Theory of Relativity Unsatisfactory? by bloftin
18. Ion Pavaloiu by bci1
19. kinetic energy by pbruin
20. Lagrange's equations by bloftin
21. Lagrangian derivative by mdo
22. Laplace equation in cylindrical coordinates by bloftin
23. Legendre polynomials by bloftin
24. Mathematical structure of physical theories by bci1
25. metatheories, analytics and formal logics- by bci1
26. moment of inertia by bloftin
27. moment of inertia of a circular disk by bloftin
28. Observables and States by rspuzio
29. overview of the content of PlanetPhysics by bci1
30. penny falling from Empire State Building by bloftin
31. Poisson ring by rspuzio
32. quantum super-operators by bci1
33. quantum tunneling by bci1
34. rigid body by bloftin
35. Space and Time in Classical Mechanics by bloftin
36. Statement of the Object of the Work by bloftin
37. statics by bloftin
38. The Equation of State for a Monatomic Gas by bloftin
39. The Galilean System of Co-ordinates by bloftin
40. The Lorentz transformation by bloftin
41. The Principle of Relativity in the Restricted Sense by bloftin
42. Thermodynamics by bloftin
43. time dependence of the statistical distribution, constants of the motion by bloftin
44. time dilation by curious
45. time independent Schr\"odinger equation by bloftin
46. vector algebra by bloftin
47. vector functions by bloftin
48. wave equation of a free particle by bloftin
49. wave function space by bloftin
50. work by bloftin
51. \'{E}lie Joseph Cartan by bci1

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