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References to 'category theory'
1. algebraic topology and category theory, bibliography of by bci1
2. $C_1$-category by bci1
3. $C_2$-category by bci1
4. $C_3$-category by bci1
5. $C_3$-category generators corollary by bci1
6. $C_3$-category theorem by bci1
7. $C_cG$ by bci1
8. $\Omega$-spectrum by bci1
9. 2-C*-category by bci1
10. 2-category by bci1
11. 2-category of double groupoids by bci1
12. Abel Laureates list by bci1
13. abstract relational biology (ARB) by bci1
14. acceleration by pbruin
15. additive quotient category by bci1
16. Albert Einstein by bci1
17. Alexander Grothendieck by bci1
18. Alexander Grothendieck's mathematical `genealogy' by bci1
19. algebra formed from a category by rspuzio
20. algebraic categories and representations of classes of algebras by bci1
21. algebraic category of LMn -logic algebras by bci1
22. algebraic quantum field theories (AQFT) by bci1
23. algebraic topology by bci1
24. algebraic topology, categories and QAT: bibliography by bci1
25. algebroid structures and extended symmetries by bci1
26. alternative definition of category by rspuzio
27. alternative definition of small category by bci1
28. animated representation of 4D-space by bci1
29. approximation theorem for an arbitrary space by bci1
30. Archimedes' Principle by joshsamani
31. Atomic and nuclear structure by bci1
32. automata theory and computer simulation applications to biomedicine by bci1
33. automaton by bci1
34. axiomatic theories and categorical foundations of mathematics by bci1
35. axiomatic theories of metacategories and supercategories by bci1
36. axiomatics and categorical foundations of mathematical physics by bci1
37. axioms of metacategories and supercategories by bci1
38. Axioms of Physics by bci1
39. axioms: metatheories and general theories by bci1
40. B-mod category equivalence theorem by bci1
41. ballistics (2D) by vip6
42. basic tensor theory by bloftin
43. Baum-Connes conjecture by bci1
44. Bessel functions and diffraction by helical structures by pahio
45. Bessel functions: applications to diffraction by helical structures by bci1
46. bibliography for groupoids and algebraic topology by bci1
47. bibliography for quantum algebraic topology and categories by bci1
48. bibliography for quantum field theories by bci1
49. bibliography: doctoral theses supervised by A. Grothendieck by bci1
50. Birkhoff-Kakutani theorem by bci1
51. Borel G-space by bci1
52. Borel morphism by bci1
53. C*-algebra by bci1
54. C*-Clifford algebra by bci1
55. C-cG by bci1
56. categorical algebra by bci1
57. categorical diagrams defined as functors by bci1
58. categorical LM-algebraic logic and quantum logic by bci1
59. categorical physics by bci1
60. categorical sequence by bci1
61. categories and algebraic topology, bibliography for QAT, by bci1
62. categories and supercategories in relational biology by bci1
63. categories of groupoids by bci1
64. categories of Polish groups and Polish spaces by bci1
65. categories of quantum automata and quantum computers by bci1
66. category by bci1
67. category of $(M,R)$ -systems by bci1
68. category of additive fractions by bci1
69. category of automata by bci1
70. category of Borel groupoids by bci1
71. category of Borel spaces by bci1
72. category of C*-algebras by bci1
73. category of groupoids by bci1
74. category of H *-algebras by bci1
75. category of Hilbert spaces by bci1
76. category of molecular reactions by bci1
77. category of molecular sets by bci1
78. category of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds by bci1
79. category of quantum automata by bci1
80. category of Riemannian manifolds by bci1
81. category theory applications by bci1
82. celestial coordinate system by bloftin
83. Celestial Sphere by bloftin
84. celestial sphere and zenith example problem by bloftin
85. center of mass by bci1
86. classical mechanics history by bci1
87. Clifford algebra by bci1
88. cohomology group theorem by bci1
89. commutative square diagram by bci1
90. compact object by bci1
91. compact quantum groupoids by bci1
92. compact quantum groups by bci1
93. compactness lemma by bci1
94. complex categorical dynamics by bci1
95. complex systems biophysics by bci1
96. Constellations by bloftin
97. construction of Riemann surface using paths by rspuzio
98. cosmic microwave background radiation by bloftin
99. Cosmological Difficulties of Newton's Theory by bloftin
100. covariance and contravariance by bloftin
101. derivation of cohomology group theorem by bci1
102. Differential Geometry by rspuzio
103. differential propositional calculus by Jon Awbrey
104. Dirac equation by invisiblerhino
105. DNA molecular models by bci1
106. double category by bci1
107. double groupoid geometry by bci1
108. duality and triality by bci1
109. duality in mathematics by bci1
110. ecliptic coordinate system by bloftin
111. Einstein's GR field equations by bci1
112. Electric Field by bloftin
113. Electromagnetism by bloftin
114. electron microscope by bci1
115. Elie J. Cartan by bci1
116. Enriched Category Theory by bci1
117. epimorphism by bci1
118. equatorial coordinate system by bloftin
119. equatorial coordinate system example problem by bloftin
120. Esquisse d'un Programme by bci1
121. essential subcategory by bci1
122. ETAC by bci1
123. ETAS interpretation by bci1
124. example calculating orbital periods by bloftin
125. examples of functor categories by bci1
126. expanding universe by bloftin
127. Feynman's Lectures on Physics by bci1
128. friction by bloftin
129. frictionless inclined plane by bloftin
130. fully faithful functor by bci1
131. fundamental complexity diagrams by bci1
132. fundamental groupoid functors by bci1
133. fundamental groupoid functors in quantum theories by bci1
134. fundamental quantum groupoid by bci1
135. fusion of theoretical physics with mathematics at IHES org by bci1
136. gauge bosons by bci1
137. Gaussian Co-Ordinates by bloftin
138. general dynamic systems by bci1
139. generalized topoi with LMn algebraic logic classifiers by bci1
140. generalized toposes with many-valued logic subobject classifiers by bci1
141. generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional by bci1
142. generator by bci1
143. gluons, quarks and QCD by bci1
144. Grassmann-Hopf algebras and coalgebras\gebras by bci1
145. Grassmann-Hopf algebroid categories and Grassmann categories by bci1
146. Grothendieck category by bci1
147. Grothendieck supervised doctoral theses by bci1
148. Grothendieck's ``Esquisse d'un Programme'' by bci1
149. groupoid by bci1
150. groupoid and group representations by bci1
151. groupoid C*-convolution algebra by bci1
152. groupoid C*-dynamical system by bci1
153. groupoid categories by bci1
154. groupoid homomorphism by bci1
155. groupoid representation theorem by bci1
156. groupoids topic by bci1
157. Hamiltonian algebroid by bci1
158. harmonic series by pahio
159. heat by bloftin
160. hereditary category by bci1
161. Higgs boson simulation by bci1
162. High energy physics by bci1
163. higher dimensional algebra by bci1
164. highly complex systems by bci1
165. homological complex of topological vector spaces by bci1
166. homotopy addition lemma and corollary by bci1
167. homotopy category by bci1
168. homotopy double groupoid of a Hausdorff space by bci1
169. Hopf algebras and quantum groups by bci1
170. index of algebraic geometry by bci1
171. index of algebraic topology by bci1
172. index of categories by bci1
173. index of category theory by bci1
174. inertia tensor by bloftin
175. invertible matrix by bloftin
176. Ionel Solomon by bci1
177. isomorphism by bci1
178. Jordan-Banach and Jordan-Lie algebras by bci1
179. Kepler's first two laws of planetary motion by bloftin
180. Kepler's third law of planetary motion by bloftin
181. kinetic energy by pbruin
182. Lie algebras by bci1
183. linking control summary by bci1
184. locally compact groupoid by bci1
185. locally compact quantum group by bci1
186. Long March across the Theory of Galois by bci1
187. mass by pbruin
188. mathematical foundations of quantum field theories by bci1
189. Mathematical structure of physical theories by bci1
190. metatheories, analytics and formal logics- by bci1
191. Mikhail Gromov by bci1
192. molecular set category by bci1
193. momentum by pbruin
194. monomorphism by bci1
195. Morita (uniqueness) theorem by bci1
196. n-groupoid by bci1
197. n-groupoids by bci1
198. Newton's laws of motion by bloftin
199. Nicolae Popescu by bci1
200. Nicolae Popescu (mathematician) by bci1
201. non-Abelian algebraic topology by bci1
202. non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology by bci1
203. non-Abelian theory by bci1
204. non-commutative dynamic modeling diagrams by bci1
205. non-commutative structure by bci1
206. noncommutative geometry topic by bci1
207. nuclear C*-algebra by bci1
208. nuclear magnetic resonance principles by bci1
209. Observables and States by rspuzio
210. Omega -spectrum by bci1
211. Organismic supercategories and super-complex system biodynamics by bci1
212. overview of algebraic topology by bci1
213. path independence of work by mdo
214. penny falling from Empire State Building by bloftin
215. physical laws by bci1
216. Physical Meaning of Geometrical Propositions by bloftin
217. Physics news by bci1
218. style guideline summary by bci1
219. Polish G-space by bci1
220. position by Wkbj79
221. preadditive functor by bci1
222. Preface to the Second Edition: An Elementary Treatise On Quaternions by bloftin
223. Preliminary definitions and general notions by bloftin
224. Principle of the communication of heat by bloftin
225. principles of NIR spectroscopy by vip6
226. projective object by bci1
227. proper generator in a Grothendieck category by bci1
228. QED by bci1
229. quantum algebraic topology: topics by bci1
230. quantum automata by bci1
231. quantum categories by bci1
232. quantum chromodynamics (QCD) by bci1
233. quantum field theories (QFT) by bci1
234. quantum fundamental groupoid by bci1
235. quantum gravity programs by bci1
236. quantum groupoids and C*-algebras by bci1
237. quantum groups and dual Hopf algebras by bci1
238. quantum LM-algebraic logic by bci1
239. quantum logic by bci1
240. quantum nano-automata by bci1
241. quantum operator algebras by bci1
242. Quantum operator algebras in QFT by bci1
243. quantum space-times by bci1
244. quantum super-operators by bci1
245. quantum symmetries from group and groupoid representations by bci1
246. quantum symmetry by bci1
247. Quantum topological order and extended quantum symmetries by bci1
248. quantum transformation groupoid by bci1
249. quantum tunneling by bci1
250. qubit and qudit by bci1
251. R-algebroid by bci1
252. R-category by bci1
253. R-module by bci1
254. R-supercategory by bci1
255. reference frames in newtonian physics by mdo
256. relation theory by Jon Awbrey
257. representation of locally compact groupoids by bci1
258. Riemann surface by rspuzio
259. Robert Rosen by bci1
260. Roentgen's Ray by bloftin
261. Ronald Brown by bci1
262. section functor by bci1
263. similarity and analogous systems: dynamic adjointness and topological equivalence by bci1
264. small category by bci1
265. soliton by invisiblerhino
266. space-time quantization in quantum gravity theories by bci1
267. spin and spin group mathematics by bci1
268. spin networks and spin foams by bci1
269. Statement of the Object of the Work by bloftin
270. Stefan-Boltzamann law by bloftin
271. stellar magnitude by bloftin
272. superalgebroids in higher dimensions by bci1
273. supercategory by bci1
274. supercategory of variable molecular sets by bci1
275. supercategory theories by bci1
276. superdiagrams as heterofunctors by bci1
277. superspace and supergravity by bci1
278. symmetry and groupoid representations in functional biology by bci1
279. table of Fourier and generalized transforms by bci1
280. Table of categories and functor properties by bci1
281. Tau by metalac
282. test ocr by bloftin
283. The System of Co-ordinate by bloftin
284. theorem on CW--complex approximation of quantum state spaces in QAT by bci1
285. theoretical programs in quantum gravity by bci1
286. thin equivalence relation by bci1
287. time dilation by curious
288. topic entry on the algebraic foundations of mathematics by bci1
289. topic on algebraic foundations of quantum algebraic topology by bci1
290. topic on applied mathematical physics and physical mathematics by bci1
291. topic on axioms by bci1
292. topic on axioms and foundations of homology and cohomology theories by bci1
293. topic on foundations of quantum algebraic topology by bci1
294. topic on groupoid symmetries and duality by bci1
295. topic on mathematical physics and physical mathematics applications by bci1
296. topics in algebraic topology by bci1
297. topological G-space by bci1
298. topos axioms by bci1
299. ultracomplex systems and categorical dynamics by bci1
300. uniform continuity over locally compact quantum groupoids by bci1
301. Van Kampen Theorem for groups and groupoids by bci1
302. variable category by bci1
303. variable groupoid by bci1
304. variable topology by bci1
305. vector by bloftin
306. vector algebra by bloftin
307. velocity by vip6
308. Vladimir G. Drinfel'd by bci1
309. weak homotopy double groupoid by bci1
310. weak Hopf algebra by bci1
311. weak Hopf C*-algebra by bci1
312. William F. Lawvere by bci1
313. work in classic mechanics by bloftin
314. X-ray microscope by bci1
315. Yoneda lemma by bci1
316. \'{E}lie Joseph Cartan by bci1

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