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References to 'Atomic and nuclear structure'
1. Albert Einstein by bci1
2. applied physics by bci1
3. automata theory and computer simulation applications to biomedicine by bci1
4. Axioms of Physics by bci1
5. bibliography for quantum field theories by bci1
6. black holes by bci1
7. Compton effect by bloftin
8. cosmic microwave background radiation by bloftin
9. Einstein's GR field equations by bci1
10. Electric Charge by bloftin
11. Electromagnetism by bloftin
12. Elementary particles topic by bci1
13. fermion by vip6
14. Feynman's Lectures on Physics by bci1
15. Fundamental physical concepts by bci1
16. fundamental formulas of physics: categories by bci1
17. fundamentals of nuclear physics by bci1
18. General Introduction by bloftin
19. General Results of the Theory by bloftin
20. gluons, quarks and QCD by bci1
21. heat by bloftin
22. Herbert Daniel Landahl by bci1
23. High energy physics by bci1
24. index of experimental physics by bci1
25. metatheories, analytics and formal logics- by bci1
26. Mircea Sabau by bci1
27. Muon by metalac
28. nuclear magnetic resonance principles by bci1
29. physical laws by bci1
30. Physics news by bci1
31. Preliminary definitions and general notions by bloftin
32. principles of NIR spectroscopy by vip6
33. Radiation at Thermodynamic Equilibrium. Kirchoff's Law. Black Radiation by bloftin
34. Roentgen's Ray by bloftin
35. spectroscopy areas by bci1
36. spin and spin group mathematics by bci1
37. Stefan-Boltzamann law by bloftin
38. the classical partial differential equations for Euclidean space by bloftin
39. The Equation of State for a Monatomic Gas by bloftin
40. the theory of heat radiation by bloftin
41. Thermodynamics by bloftin
42. topic on equations in mathematical physics by bci1
43. topic on major physics research projects by bci1
44. topic on physics resources and major facilities by bci1
45. weak interaction by vip6
46. X-ray microscope by bci1

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