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References to 'acceleration'
1. A Few Inferences from the General Principle of Relativity by bloftin
2. ballistics (2D) by vip6
3. center of mass by bci1
4. classical mechanics history by bci1
5. conduction by bloftin
6. derivation of wave equation by pahio
7. difference between mass and weight by bloftin
8. Differential Geometry by rspuzio
9. example constant acceleration and speed of sound by bloftin
10. frictionless inclined plane by bloftin
11. General Results of the Theory by bloftin
12. hydrostatic pressure by pahio
13. mass by pbruin
14. Newton's laws of motion by bloftin
15. penny falling from Empire State Building by bloftin
16. projectile motion by bloftin
17. reference frames in newtonian physics by mdo
18. SI units and derivations by Wkbj79
19. single stage rocket burnout height by bloftin
20. The Equality of Inertial and Gravitational Mass as an Argument for the General Postulate of Relativity by bloftin
21. Towers and Galileo by bci1
22. transformation from rectangular to generalized coordinates by bloftin
23. vector by bloftin
24. vector algebra by bloftin
25. work by bloftin
26. work in classic mechanics by bloftin

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