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References to 'Abelian category'
1. additive quotient category by bci1
2. algebraic topology by bci1
3. axiomatic theories and categorical foundations of mathematics by bci1
4. B-mod category equivalence theorem by bci1
5. categorical LM-algebraic logic and quantum logic by bci1
6. categorical sequence by bci1
7. category of additive fractions by bci1
8. category of molecular sets by bci1
9. center of Abelian category by bci1
10. commutative square diagram by bci1
11. generator by bci1
12. Grassmann-Hopf algebroid categories and Grassmann categories by bci1
13. index of algebraic geometry by bci1
14. index of algebraic topology by bci1
15. index of categories by bci1
16. index of category theory by bci1
17. Morita equivalence lemma for arbitrary algebras by bci1
18. Nicolae Popescu by bci1
19. non-Abelian theory by bci1
20. non-commutative structure by bci1
21. projective object by bci1
22. section functor by bci1
23. topics in algebraic topology by bci1
24. Yoneda lemma by bci1

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