view 'Enriched Category Theory
2010-11-01 01:18:06
- revision [
Version = 12
Version 13
The connection with classical conical limits when $V = Set$
\subsection{Full subcategories and limits: the closure of a full subcategory}
\subsection{Strongly generating functors}
\subsection{Tensor and Cotensor Products}
\subsection{Kan extensions}
The definition of Kan extensions; their expressibility by limits and colimits
\subsection{Iterated Kan extensions; Kan adjoints}
\subsection{Filtered categories when $V = Set$}
\subsection{General Representability and Adjoint Functor theorems}
\subsection{Representability and adjoint-functor theorems when $V = Set$}
\subsection{Functor categories, small Projective Limits and Morita Equivalence}
2010-11-01 01:08:55
- revision [
Version = 9
Version 10
% almost certainly you want these
% used for TeXing text within eps files
% need this for including graphics (\includegraphics)
% for neatly defining theorems and propositions
% making logically defined graphics
% there are many more packages, add them here as you need them
% define commands here
\newcommand*{\norm}[1]{\lVert #1 \rVert}
\newcommand*{\abs}[1]{| #1 |}
\newcommand{\intrv}[2]{\langle #1,#2 \rangle}
\newcommand{\homs}[2]{\mathrm{hom(}{#1},{#2}\mathrm )}
\xymatrix{ {#1} \ar[r]^{#2} \ar[rd]_{#4}& {#3} \ar@{-->}[d]^{#5} \\
& {#6} } }
& {#1} \ar[ld]_{#2} \ar[rd]^{#3} \\
{#4} \ar[rr]_{#5} && {#6} } }
{#1} \ar[rr]^{#2} \ar[rd]_{#4}&& {#3} \ar[ld]^{#5} \\
& {#6} } }
{#1} && {#3} \ar[ll]_{#2} \\
& {#6} \ar[lu]^{#4} \ar[ru]_{#5} } }
{#1} \ar[r]^{#2} \ar[d]_{#4} & {#3} \ar[d]^{#5} \\
{#6} \ar[r]_{#7} & {#8}
\xymatrix{ {#1} \ar[r]^{#2} \ar[rd]_{#4}&
{#3} \ar[d]^{#5} \\
& {#6} } }
2010-11-01 00:36:02
- revision [
Version = 1
Version 2
% this is the default PlanetPhysics preamble. as your
% almost certainly you want these
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsfonts, amsthm, amscd, latexsym, enumerate}
\usepackage{xypic, xspace}
% define commands here
\newcommand{\Ad}{{\rm Ad}}
\newcommand{\Aut}{{\rm Aut}}
\newcommand{\Cl}{{\rm Cl}}
\newcommand{\Co}{{\rm Co}}
\newcommand{\DES}{{\rm DES}}
\newcommand{\Diff}{{\rm Diff}}
\newcommand{\Dom}{{\rm Dom}}
\newcommand{\Hol}{{\rm Hol}}
\newcommand{\Mon}{{\rm Mon}}
\newcommand{\Hom}{{\rm Hom}}
\newcommand{\Ker}{{\rm Ker}}
\newcommand{\Ind}{{\rm Ind}}
\newcommand{\IM}{{\rm Im}}
\newcommand{\Is}{{\rm Is}}
\newcommand{\ID}{{\rm id}}
\newcommand{\grpL}{{\rm GL}}
\newcommand{\Iso}{{\rm Iso}}
\newcommand{\rO}{{\rm O}}
\newcommand{\Sem}{{\rm Sem}}
\newcommand{\SL}{{\rm Sl}}
\newcommand{\St}{{\rm St}}
\newcommand{\Sym}{{\rm Sym}}
\newcommand{\Symb}{{\rm Symb}}
\newcommand{\SU}{{\rm SU}}
\newcommand{\Tor}{{\rm Tor}}
\newcommand{\U}{{\rm U}}
\newcommand{\A}{\mathcal A}
\newcommand{\Ce}{\mathcal C}
\newcommand{\D}{\mathcal D}
\newcommand{\E}{\mathcal E}
\newcommand{\F}{\mathcal F}
%\newcommand{\grp}{\mathcal G}
\renewcommand{\H}{\mathcal H}
\renewcommand{\cL}{\mathcal L}
\newcommand{\Q}{\mathcal Q}
\newcommand{\R}{\mathcal R}
\newcommand{\cS}{\mathcal S}
\newcommand{\cU}{\mathcal U}
\newcommand{\W}{\mathcal W}
\newcommand{\diag}{{\rm diag}}
\newcommand{\grpeod}{{\rm Geod}}
%\newcommand{\grpeod}{{\rm geod}}
\newcommand{\ob}{{\rm Ob}}
\newcommand{\obg}{{\rm Ob(\mathsf{G)}}}
\newcommand{\obgp}{{\rm Ob(\mathsf{G}')}}
\newcommand{\obh}{{\rm Ob(\mathsf{H})}}
\newcommand{\grpcalp}{{\mathsf{G}(\mathcal P)}}
\newcommand{\rf}{{R_{\mathcal F}}}
\newcommand{\grplob}{{\rm glob}}
\newcommand{\loc}{{\rm loc}}
\newcommand{\TOP}{{\rm TOP}}
\newcommand{\ovset}[1]{\overset {#1}{\ra}}
\newcommand{\ovsetl}[1]{\overset {#1}{\lra}}
%\usepackage{geometry, amsmath,amssymb,latexsym,enumerate}
%\grpeometry{textwidth= 16 cm, textheight=21 cm}
\newcommand{\sqdiagram}[9]{$$ \diagram #1 \rto^{#2} \dto_{#4}&
#3 \dto^{#5} \\ #6 \rto_{#7} & #8 \enddiagram
\eqno{\mbox{#9}}$$ }
%\newenvironment{proof}{\noindent {\bf Proof} }{ \hfill $\Box$
{\begin{pmatrix} & #1& \\[-1.1ex] #2 & & #3\\[-1.1ex]& #4&