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2010-10-24 18:11:17
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Version = 17
Version 18
\subsubsection{References for NAAT}
[1] M. Alp and C. D. Wensley, XMod, Crossed modules and Cat1--groups: a GAP4 package,(2004) (http://www.maths.bangor.ac.uk/chda/)
[2] R. Brown, Elements of Modern Topology, McGraw Hill, Maidenhead, 1968. second edition
as Topology: a geometric account of general topology, homotopy types, and the fundamentalgroupoid, Ellis Horwood, Chichester (1988) 460 pp.
[3] R. Brown, \PMlinkexternal{`Higher dimensional group theory’}{http://www.bangor.ac.uk/∼mas010/hdaweb2.htm}
[4] R. Brown.`Crossed complexes and homotopy groupoids as non commutative tools for higher dimensional local--to--global problems', Proceedings of the Fields Institute Workshop on Categorical Structures for Descent and Galois Theory, Hopf Algebras and Semiabelian Categories,
September 23--28, 2002, Contemp. Math. (2004). (to appear), UWB Math Preprint
02.26.pdf (30 pp.)
[5] R. Brown and P. J. Higgins, On the connection between the second relative homotopy groups of some related spaces, Proc.London Math. Soc., (3) 36 (1978) 193--212.
[6] R. Brown and R. Sivera, `Nonabelian algebraic topology', (in preparation) Part I is downloadable
[7] R. Brown and C. B. Spencer, Double groupoids and crossed modules, Cahiers Top. G'/eom.Diff., 17 (1976) 343--362.
[8] R. Brown and C. D.Wensley, `1Computation and homotopical applications of induced crossed modules', J. Symbolic Computation, 35 (2003) 59-72.
[9] The GAP Group, 2004, GAP --Groups, Algorithms, and Programming, version 4.4 , Technical report, (http://www.grp-system.org)
[10] A. Grothendieck, ‘Pursuing Stacks’, 600p, 1983, distributed from Bangor. Now being edited by G. Maltsiniotis for the SMF.
[11] P. J. Higgins, 1971, Categories and Groupoids, Van Nostrand, New York. Reprint Series, Theory and Appl. Categories (to appear).
[12] V. Sharko, 1993, Functions on manifolds: algebraic and topological aspects, number 131 in Translations of Mathematical Monographs, American Mathematical Society.
2010-10-24 17:59:44
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Version = 16
Version 17
msc:00., msc:02.90.+p, msc:02.20.-axx, msc:02.40.Re, msc:02.20.Sv, msc:02.40.Pc, msc:02.40.-kxx, msc:02.20.Bb, msc:03.65.Fd
2010-09-28 02:24:48
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Version = 3
Version 4
msc:55-01, msc:55N20, msc:55N40, msc:55N99, msc:55N15, msc:55N30, msc:18-00, msc:11E72, msc:11F23, msc:57N65, msc:57R19