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2010-06-29 23:13:37
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Version = 14
Version 15
''Quantum computing: No turning back
March 15, 2005
The first realizations of 'cluster states' and cluster-state quantum computation are reported in Nature this week (10 March issue, pp169-176). This represents a significant move from theory to reality for an alternative approach to quantum computing first proposed in 2001.
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Anton Zeilinger and colleagues (University of Vienna, Austria) take Robert Raussendorf and Hans Briegel’s ideas for computing, based on highly entangled clusters of many particles - in this case photons - and demonstrate that modifications to the entangled photons in such a state allows them to perform certain computing tasks. The entangled photons allow the system to encode information before computations begin and imprint a quantum logic circuit on the state, destroying its entanglement and making the process irreversible. Hence the name ‘one-way quantum computing’ for the system.
This article reports the first experimental demonstration of the one-way quantum computer, which radically changes how we think about quantum physics and opens up exciting possibilities for the experimental implementation of quantum computation."
2010-06-17 03:02:02
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Version = 3
Version 4
Hybrid Cars -- Pros and Cons
Technology / Energy
created Jan 19, 2006 | popularity 3.6 / 5 (846) | comments 1 feature
If you listen to the makers, hybrid cars are the best invention since sliced bread. While there are many reasons to buy a hybrid car, including a new tax incentive for US owners, it helps to have a good understanding ...
NEC Develops Novel Silicon Nanophotonics Technology for Optical Interconnections
Physics / Optics & Photonics
created Feb 09, 2006 | popularity 3.6 / 5 (5) | comments 0
NEC Corporation today announced the successful development of fundamental silicon nanophotonics technology that facilitates optical data transmission in large-scale integration (LSI) chips by eliminating data transmission ...
Semiconductors slow light
Physics / General Physics
created Apr 21, 2006 | popularity 4.7 / 5 (52) | comments 0
'The speed of light' is a byword for the extremes of rapidity: nothing travels faster than light. But Chris Phillips of Imperial College in London and co-workers have found a new way to apply the brakes to light. As Phillips ...
DNA Taxi: Photosensitive gold nanoparticles bind and release DNA
Nanotechnology / Bio & Medicine
created Apr 27, 2006 | popularity 4.1 / 5 (17) | comments 0
Despite few successes to date, gene therapy is a highly promising approach for medical therapy in the future. One of the biggest difficulties with this process is finding a suitable transport agent that can carry the nucleic ...