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Revision Browser : axiomatic theories of metacategories and supercategories
view 'axiomatic theories of metacategories and supercategories

diff 2010-05-10 01:21:06 - revision [ Version = 9 --> (current) ] by bci1
diff 2010-05-10 01:20:40 - revision [ Version = 8 --> Version 9 ] by bci1
diff 2010-05-10 01:16:56 - revision [ Version = 7 --> Version 8 ] by bci1
diff 2010-05-10 01:13:05 - revision [ Version = 6 --> Version 7 ] by bci1
diff 2010-05-10 01:12:27 - revision [ Version = 5 --> Version 6 ] by bci1
diff 2010-05-10 01:09:40 - revision [ Version = 4 --> Version 5 ] by bci1
\begin{definition} A concrete \emph{metagraph} $\mathcal{M}_G$ consists of objects, $A, B, C,$... and arrows $f, g, h,$... between objects, and two operations as follows: \begin{itemize} \item a {\em Domain operation}, $dom$, which assigns to each arrow $f$ an object $A~ =~dom ~f$ \item a {\em Codomain operation}, $cod$, which assigns to each arrow $f$ an object $B~ = ~cod ~f,$ represented as $f: A \to B$ or $A \stackrel{f}{\longrightarrow} B$ \end{itemize} \end{definition}
diff 2010-05-09 23:44:19 - revision [ Version = 3 --> Version 4 ] by bci1
diff 2010-05-09 23:41:52 - revision [ Version = 2 --> Version 3 ] by bci1
diff 2010-05-09 23:37:36 - revision [ Version = 1 --> Version 2 ] by bci1

Testing some escape charachters for html category with a generator has an injective cogenerator" now escape ” with "