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Revision Browser : gene nets: physical and mathematical models
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diff 2009-01-25 19:48:27 - revision [ Version = 8 --> (current) ] by bci1
diff 2009-01-25 19:46:13 - revision [ Version = 7 --> Version 8 ] by bci1
\bibitem{ICB71} References \PMlinkname{[14] to [34] in the ``bibliography of category theory and algebraic topology''}{CategoricalOntologyABibliographyOfCategoryTheory} \bibitem{BGB06} I. C. Baianu, J. F. Glazebrook, R. Brown and G. Georgescu.: Complex Nonlinear Biodynamics in Categories, Higher dimensional Algebra and \L ukasiewicz-Moisil Topos: Transformation of Neural, Genetic and Neoplastic Networks, Axiomathes,16: 65--122(2006). \bibitem{ICBm2} Baianu, I.C. and M. Marinescu: 1974, A Functorial Construction of \emph{\textbf{(M,R)}}-- Systems. \emph{Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees} \textbf{19}: 388-391. \bibitem{ICB6} Baianu, I.C.: 1977, A Logical Model of Genetic Activities in \L ukasiewicz Algebras: The Non-linear Theory. \emph{Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics}, \textbf{39}: 249-258. \bibitem{ICB80} Baianu, I.C.: 1980, Natural Transformations of Organismic Structures. \emph{Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics} \textbf{42}: 431-446 \bibitem{ICB87a} Baianu, I. C.: 1987a, Computer Models and Automata Theory in Biology and Medicine., in M. Witten (ed.), \emph{Mathematical Models in Medicine}, vol. 7., Pergamon Press, New York, 1513-1577; \PMlinkexternal{CERN Preprint No. EXT-2004-072}{}
diff 2009-01-25 18:07:33 - revision [ Version = 6 --> Version 7 ] by bci1
gene net, Bayesian model, genetic network, N-state net models, two-state models, Boolean models,
diff 2009-01-25 18:05:37 - revision [ Version = 5 --> Version 6 ] by bci1
diff 2009-01-25 18:02:01 - revision [ Version = 4 --> Version 5 ] by bci1
diff 2009-01-25 17:58:52 - revision [ Version = 3 --> Version 4 ] by bci1
diff 2009-01-25 17:57:31 - revision [ Version = 2 --> Version 3 ] by bci1
diff 2009-01-25 17:56:33 - revision [ Version = 1 --> Version 2 ] by bci1

Testing some escape charachters for html category with a generator has an injective cogenerator" now escape ” with "