view 'category of $(M,R)$ -systems
2010-06-09 11:40:53
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Version = 11
If simple $(M,R)$-systems are considered as sequential machines or automata the category of $(M,R)$-systems and $(M,R)$-system homomorphisms is a subcategory of the automata category. However, when $(M,R)$-systems are considered together with their dynamic representations the category of dynamic $(M,R)$-systems is no longer a subcategory of the category of automata.
2010-03-05 11:59:36
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Version = 9
Version 10
Theoreticians of life's origins postulate that Life on Earth has begun with the simplest possible organism, called the \emph{primordial}. Mathematicians interested in biology and this important question of the minimal living organism have
attempted to define the functional relations that would have made life possible in a such a minimal system-- a grandad
and granma of all living organisms on Earth.