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Forum: Planet Physics Comments
Welcome to the Planet Physics Comments forum!

A forum to talk about the web site itself here; comments, suggestions, complaints.

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Perhaps better planet physics by greame on 2011-01-07 05:35:23
In my opinion, there could be a lot more planet types, attributes, and interactions that could be added to SE without unbalancing the game, as well as adding a lot of much needed realism.

Planets should include "biome type" and "climate type".

Examples of Biomes for planets:

Forest (A planet covered in Temperate Forest)
Oceanic (A planet covered or almost completely covered in an ocean)
Mountain (A mountainous planet)
Flatlands (A planet covered in plains and foothills)
Desert (A world without much life. Remember a desert is just a place with less than a certain amount of rainfall)
Barren (A world without life)
Jungle (A planet covered in jungle)

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Welcome back by rspuzio on 2010-09-30 01:11:07
After the glitch with the site registration made the website
disappear for a while, I am glad to see it back. Welcome
back, Planet Physics!
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Searching PlanetPhysics by bloftin on 2010-02-15 02:23:19
Check out our new search feature at the top right hand side of website.  Thanks to Google custom search gadget, we now have a great functioning search tool that looks great!  Let us know what you think.
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Server doing well! by bci1 on 2008-12-17 18:23:54
Very well done, Ben!
We're glad is back on the air and running faster than ever.
Happy Holidays!

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Mathematics and Physics wiki by dirtysouthafrican on 2007-12-19 22:09:26
I would like to invite people to take a look at a mathematics and
physics wiki that I have been maintaining for about a year and a half.
It is mostly academic in nature, and I hope that some people here
might like to contribute to the project.

The main site is at
while the Mathematics portion is
and the Physics portion is

Obviously there are similar projects out there. The site is based on
the wiki model, which is hopefully familiar to a lot of people, and
makes contributing fairly simple. On the other hand, only registered
users can edit, and because of the formal scope of the project, it is
hoped that higher quality material will be produced. Furthermore, the
wiki is also released under the GNU FDL, so collaboration with PlanetPhysics is certainly possible. I welcome any comments.

- Lionel Brits
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Testing some escape charachters for html category with a generator has an injective cogenerator" now escape ” with "