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Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy by greame on 2011-01-05 02:55:54
In light of the Conservation of Energy principle, what would happen to the potential energy of the Earth's moon, or any satellite of Earth, if the mass of the Earth were instantaneously reduced by half?  That is, is potential energy conserved, is it transferred to another form of energy or is it simply "lost" (not destroyed, but removed from consideration) by virtue of the fact that the potential energy reference body, i.e., the Earth, has been changed?  In this ridiculous, hypothetical situation I would expect that the kinetic energy of the moon would cause it to move off is some curved path since the gravitational influence of the Earth would have been reduced but not eliminated.
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Do Black Holes emit space-time by greame on 2011-01-05 02:54:17
Im not sure of this at all but the thought crossed my mind. Here goes :

In a black hole , the gravity is so great that time is almost completely at a standstill. Also , it is said that space takes on multiple values. This is analogous to where Ψ is approx. a field ( correct me if Im wrong ). This plays out 2 scenarios , one which uses the field explanation I have already explained.

1) when the black hole shrinks ( it must be a rotating non-spherical one ) , gravity waves emanate from the event horizon due to ΔΨ ( from a field to a localized particle ) since a change in energy leads to a change in velocity.

2) when particles collect inside the black hole , I assume the inside is not homogenous. Therefore , agitation in the form of gravity waves from the larger particles near the event horizon (EH) ( better chance of being detected ) due to whatever mechanism would travel (very slowly/speed of spacetime)?  and then proceed at light speed once they exited. This is because spacetime is about the only thing fast enough , besides tachyons , to escape the gravity well beyond the EH.
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a problem on motion by perucho on 2010-08-23 02:42:25
Hi all,
The motion of the mass center (MC) of a galaxy is governed by the ODE
d^2x/dt^2 - (2/t^2)x = -2v_0/t,
where v_0 is the speed of MC at the reference time t_0 > 0. At a critic time t* > 0, d^2x/dt^2(t*) = a*, and at infinite d^2x/dt^2(\infty) = a_\infty.
Find t_0 and x(t) in terms of the data t*, v_0, a* and a_\infty.
Thanks in advance by your attention!
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Gravigenic cooling ! by Brenton on 2009-10-05 01:44:13
Thanks bci1 for black holes.

This is an absurd idea of mine that needs critiquing. Recently , Potassium and Rubidium atoms were cooled to ultracold temperatures through a refrigerator like entropy removing process. My idea is to cool the space-time around them as well. What you do is set up the system and then next to it , place a rotating body ? or something that will make space-time less dense. That way , energy will flow away from the atoms/laser and towards the rotating body. Only problem , it's a cycle. Energy has to flow back to the atoms/laser. So I propose placing a partial barrier around the atoms/laser so when energy/space-time flows back to the atoms/laser , it will be slowed and thus entropy will drop ! Is this crap or cool ?

Gravigenic cooling !?!?

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Black Holes ? by Brenton on 2009-09-27 22:19:57
Thx bloftin and bci1 for those comments on E=mc^2 and space debris. Sorry it took so long to respond.

I read somewhere that on small enough scales , points NO LONGER EXIST and matter as we know it ceases to exist in a black hole.

I applied this to my version of a black hole model and considering the merger of say , 2 black holes or matter falling into a black hole , I assume asymmetry and extremely chaotic conditions , thus I  postulate the existence of multiple singularities which in a rotating black hole , could "orbit" around some center of mass. These singularities would be "probability" clouds where the mass aggregated there would behave like fullerene ( 1000k>quantum , 1000k<classical ) where it ( mass ) would display quantum mechanical properties like superposition etc. depending on surrounding temperature ? The problem I have is that gravity slows time and black holes are the ultimate in gravity but we supposedly live in an atemporal universe and scientists talk about ring singularities from rotating black holes so maybe I'm alright ? What do you think ?

I love PlanetPhysics !

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